Friday, March 14, 2014

Old Time Blogging


Who in the Hell even knew there was a Slap Shot 2: Breaking the Ice and a Slap Shot 3: The Junior League? Why in the Hell is there a Slap Shot 2 and/or a Slap Shot 3? #2 had Stephen Balwin and Gary Busey; how can you go wrong with these nut cases as your stars? Besides, what else were the Hansons (not the MMMBop ones rather the hockey ones) doing? #3 - Leslie Nielsen and the Hansons (what the hell else were they doing?). I love Slapshot (the original one) but I watched a few seconds of each of these on IFC and OUCH! Other that the obvious - it's usually a really bad sign when they wait 25 years to make a sequel and another six years for the sequel's sequel.

So many exciting things today. It's garbage day, I am going to start editing the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast, the Xfinity dude or dudette will be here to pump up the wattage in our cottage, tennis / Spring sports introductions tonight, do real laundry, clean the kitchen, trim my nails, pick up the dry cleaning, pick up my prescription refill, pay the bills... In fact, I am going to go get my prescription and the dry cleaning now and see if something interesting doesn't happen or maybe I will see something that will inspire some award-winning blogging. It is so nice to have one full day off a week to get this stuff done. It is 09:58 now; I should be back by 10:30 I think.

Back at 10:23.I did learn one thing while I was out - it is Jackie Robinson Day again. It is 42 degrees Fahrenheit out there; a regular scorcher. Actually, it is Pi Day. Do pie places like Poppin' Fresh have pie specials today? I think Poppin' Fresh is actually Baker's Square now isn't it? I guess it doesn't really MATTer because we have neither out in these parts of The Middle. Did you know that Pillsbury owned Poppin' Fresh? Why didn't they use the Doughboy as their mascot? Maybe they didn't want to equate a chubby little ball of dough with a chef hat with their restaurants. If you want to look like this stop on in for some pie. They don't own Baker's Square now - they dumped the chain in the early 1980's. They should combine Pi Day with Speak Like a Pirate Day.
Maybe today is all about rating pies? Pi Rates

Same-sex marriage is now legal in my county. Now Cha Cha and I can finally make this deal legal. I guess if you read yesterday's blog you have lots of questions; I just remembered that I said we were married in a Catholic church. Joke's on them I guess. BRB - the dryer is calling.Is it just a coincidence that, on the way back from folding the clothes I grabbed a couple of bananas?

I have some stupid movie called The Long Kiss Goodnight on in the background. I am not really watching the television but it is on while I am doing chores. Anyway, Geena Davis was doing something before she shot at Samuel L. Jackson by mistake. Right before that happened the theme for The Walking Dead started playing in the movie. Very weird since this movie is from 1996.

I have to start editing the show so, I will end now. I am not sure if I will blog again before Monday. I am trying to put-off doing the 1000th blog for some reason. Maybe I will just stop at 999 (that is like the anti sign of the beast).  Anyway, I will let you know when the new show is ready so, I will blog whenever that happens. Have a great rest of your day and maybe the weekend. Thanks a lot for letting me spout-off my nonsense. TTTT...MITM (pie-eyed out)! TA!

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