Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog and to the Right!

Not airing as much of my Dirty Laundry as first intended
#999 That's 666# upside-down when I look at it.

I had written several paragraphs here yesterday that I intended to post today but, upon thinking about it and rereading them, I deleted those paragraphs and am starting over. They were paragraphs about how I have lots of great friends and I wish I were more like them. That sentiment still does, and always will, stand. It was precipitated by one incident that happened early yesterday morning. It was at the expense of someone who is all about take, take, take and it may have been a bit mean on my part. I suppose I was venting. Very entertaining but, I want to be better than that. I do not think that person would have seen it but, if I want to be more like my good friends, deleting these paragraphs is a good start. They were very funny but, hopefully beneath me. Even MIDDLEaged farts can experience growth. Baby steps!

The new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready. That's two loads in less than a week. One thing that is going to make podcasting a lot easier is the new WiFi connection we have in the studio. We now have Infinity and the internet flies! I am not going to get too excited until we have it for awhile but, I will be excited as long as it does.

Geez, I had to delete another paragraph here. It wasn't mean, just stupid. Why in the Hell does anybody even read this drivel? I am very happy that you do and hope that it entertains you and/or makes you think from time to time though. I don't track how many people or who reads the blog so, it may be just for the two of us - you and me! Thank you for that.

I guess winning an Academy Award still carries clout in Hollywood. It seems that Lupita Nyong'o, who won Best Supporting Actress for her role in 12 Years a Slave, may be in the next Star Wars film (#VII in the series). Her IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) page shows that she has only appeared in four professional acting roles and, now, she will be in what is probably the biggest franchise in Hollywood history. So, if you are looking to break into film, win an Oscar as soon as you can so you can get larger roles in film. I will charge you nothing for this sage advise. Just remember me in your acceptance speech.

Out of the blue I think I have regained the Christmas spirit. I am not sure if it will still be here in December but, I have it now. IS it possible just to have this happen on St. Patrick's Day when I haven't had even one drop of hooch in days? I seriously had the feeling of Christmas wash over me. I think I will take this year off and everything. Maybe it's the magic of 1000th Blog Eve!

Will it happen?
Comic David Brenner just died. I never cared for his humor too much but, he made me chuckle once in awhile and I got the feeling that he was a really nice guy. I also just heard that Wayne Knight (probably best known as Newman on Seinfeld) also was killed in a car accident. Every time he popped up: JFK, Jurassic Park... I always thought, "NEWMAN!" People die every day and one day it will be me but, it is always sad. I think about the people that they leave behind and the feelings that they must have right now. I guess that means I am an emotional person huh? No great surprise there. I hope, when I die, that people will keep my loved-ones in their thoughts and hearts. Maybe I will be the third in the "people always die in threes" deal with Brenner and Knight. What ever started that stupid superstition or whatever you'd call it?

This will probably be my last blog because I have the 1000th blog jitters. Do you suppose President Obama or Joe Namath or Ruth Buzzi will call and congratulate me if I do live long enough to write one more blog? Who would have thought that Ruth Buzzi would have outlived David Brenner? I just checked and he actually was born five month before her in 1936. It's been fun blogging to you. Thanks for being here. TTT? (it would be weird if I died tonight huh?) TA! Erin Go Braless (and send me a photo when you do)

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