Saturday, March 29, 2014

Is There Hope For Any of Us?

And me, lucky enough to get a back-stage tour!
Another dream remembered! This is VERY unusual for me. Last night I was in some small country like Lithuania (not really sure why that one comes to mind other than it may have been mentioned in the dream?). I was at a castle with a group and we were in line to see the castle and a man who reminded my of Truman Capote pulled me from the line and took me on a personal tour of the castle. He introduced me to all of the woman that lived in the village and they all found it very funny that I was of German - Irish heritage. They all laughed and laughed at that, not in a mean way but they were very entertained by that notion. I felt a feeling of love from these people that I have never felt from strangers before. I kept wondering when the other shoe was going to drop and they were going to kill me and eat me. Not really sure where that feeling came from other than maybe my suspicious nature as an American always feeling that everybody wants somebody from us (advertisers, businesses, governments...). It never happened. They just liked me and loved showing me their customs and village and families... They insistently let me taste all of their foods and drinks as I toured their homes going up and down staircases and through hidden back secret passages between their homes and cities. I had a feeling of guilt like, "why was I chosen for this when so many other people were still waiting in line?" They were sort of insistent in not letting me go but not in a scary way. I felt like they may have thought I looked like a long ago king or someone in high regard and thought I may have been him (unbeknown to me) incarnate.

The last two nights, the nights that I remembered my dreams, I had no set times to wake-up. I could have slept as late as I wanted. There must be less stress in that (of course there is) and maybe that helps me to dream. I woke up in the MIDDLE of the night last night but there was not that extreme pressure to go right back to sleep because I HAD TO get up in "X" amount of hours. I had the window open both nights and it was very cool / cold outside; I love the cool air when I sleep. Two nights ago it was also storming out which I really love. It is 06:41 right now and I don't have to really be anywhere until 22:00. I want to edit the podcast and get it uploaded but most of my "chores" are done. I am going to go back to sleep again and see if I can regain that village. I am not hopeful but it was a very pleasant "vacation/trip."
"Why don't she write?" - Dances with Wolves

My feelings that I would not be able to go back to sleep were correct. The dog barking downstairs ruined that quest. That is okay because it is better that I am up now anyway so I can try to sleep a few hours tonight before going in to work.

I hope this does not sound insensitive; I suppose just by me prefacing it that way I believe it will be insensitive. I am getting tired of hearing about the debris that they are finding that they "believe" is from the wreckage from Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. I do not have a problem with the countless hours and resources that it taking to find this plane. I have a problem with the media telling us what MIGHT BE. The 24-hour news cycle is a horrible thing. Hard to believe that someone who went to school to study media and has worked for several media outlets in news would say that huh? I think if I had loved-ones on this plane I would resent all of the false information just for the entertainment of the world (mostly America) and the chance to make a few more advertising dollars. I don't know how insurance works in countries like Malaysia but, if it were in America there would be plenty of insurance issues at the heart of this horror. The insurance companies are happy to take our money but, if they have to pay any money out, they look for any loophole/reason not to pay. I hope these families get some closure soon. I imagine most of them already realize that there is very little, if any, hope that their people are alive. I guess, until something is found, I would hold out hope if I were them too. I hope I am wrong and they are all alive on some remote island. I also like to believe that is the reason they are still searching. Imagine how it was when people went on trips in the 1700's and never turned-up again. "Maybe they just found a nicer place on the way when they were travelling and decided to live there from now on." I think there would be more peace of mind in this kind of 1700's denial. I am not against burying ones head in the sand if that is required for sanity.

I started out hopeful and heppy and now I have depressed myself. I am going to start editing Dirty Laundry Podcast now. Thanks a lot for stopping in. I hope you have a great day and tonight. I doubt that I will blog tomorrow. I wil probably be finishing up the podcast and just doing nothing in general. A plan to do nothing always turns into doing a lot. TTTMonday?...MITM (hopeful) Out! TA

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