Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Matt Blogday!

Happy Matt Tuesday. Isn't Fat Tuesday the day when we're supposed to eat like crazy because of all of the days coming up with all of the weird eating rules for religious reasons? I just call that Tuesday. "Gras" is French for fat and "Mardi" is French for, you guessed it, Tuesday. And, tomorrow is when Catholics look like they missed a spot when they washed their foreheads. If you live in New Orleans you have today off of school and work; it's a legal holiday there. There have been only two times in the last two centuries that Fat Tuesday was not celebrated in New Orleans; during the first and second World Wars. Fat Tuesday means we're not at war with the World so party-on people in Russia and Ukraine.

This is my 992nd blog. I heard that all of the World leaders and celebrities are going to contact me next week when number 1000 hits the ether. I feel like that should be a big deal blog-wise. Why do we do that? Have certain numbers that we put extra pressure on ourselves? Centennials and golden anniversaries... Do we feel we have to put more pressure on ourselves when we reach a certain place to help motivate us to keep pushing-on? After 1000 what is the next place that I should feel the pressure? 1500? 2000? 5000?

Sorry, I just broke-off for a moment to contact the fine people at Merge Records trying to get some more new music in the show. Dirty Laundry Podcast is taking over more and more of my life. I suppose that is the same for any "hobby" in one's life. If you love what you do you do it whenever you can. I love the podcast so, I am consumed by it. I have pretty much of an obsessive personality anyway so, I guess I am happy my mind has hobbies. Hobbies keep us from going insane I suppose. Unless your hobbies are murder or something like that. I those cases you should have chosen a different hobby so that being insane didn't become your hobby.
I have a new respect for The Winkmeister!

The best part of having a three-day weekend (well, maybe not THE best part) is that when you get back to work it's already Wednesday. That is if you take the first two days of your week off. So, tonight is my Thursday already. Whoever decided on the five-day work week was not doing us a favor. Why couldn't they have had a four on three off or a three on four off week? Then they could have had other people doing the opposite to cover when the others were off. It could have been a situation where businesses worked every day and we would get more days off every week. It would have worked but religion got involved and somebody said that "Sunday is the day of the Lord" and the weekend was invented. We could have all had three or four days off every week with more productivity if they would have put me in charge during the industrial revolution.

I am making chicken and baked potatoes for dinner. The potatoes are in the oven and the chicken is seasoned for cooking. One thing great about being back in the 1970's (Southern Illinois) was that, in addition to all of the religious shows and the wrestling programs from elementary school cafetoriums, there was a cooking show on that showed me a great tip for cooking chicken. I am going to try it today. The rebel flag may mean hatred and prejudice but it means down-home cooking too.
Roots based on hatred and prejudism will do that to you

This concluded by blogcasting day. I am going to get dinner done and the get a few winks before work. I think I have weather spotter training again tonight. We get that once a year. I am a certified weather spotter. I am really good at it. I spot weather every single day of my life. This winter has been particularly crazy for we certified weather spotters. Hopefully, I'll get to spot some better stuff soon. Thanks a lot for being here and for listening to the show. Have a great night. I will blog again tomorrow unless I am too busy spotting weather. I wonder if there is some different information from last year. The weather is different so the training should be too. I am not sure if this is true of all weather spotter trainers but, our dude is very dry (pun intended). TTTT...MITM (out). TA!

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