Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Blog from Hell (once I die)

This whole Pope election is one of the biggest scams in the world. There is NO WAY they will "elect" a new Pope on the first ballot. This is really like a Cardinal convention paid for by their parishioners. All of you good Catholics make sure you put a little extra in the collection plate for the next couple of months in case your local representatives want some room service. And then there are all of the top news people from every new agency the world over who "have to" go cover this event. I have nothing against organized religion but I have a lot against the way the people at the top of many of these religions take advantage of the people who follow them. Many feel they cannot say anything because God will bring fire and brimstone down on us. I just hate to see people exploiting their people. Why couldn't they vote electronically and use all of the money this is costing to help feed the poor or cloth the homeless or start a soup kitchen in their home towns. The Vatican already has plenty of tourism money from people who come over to see the opulence. Maybe they should do their convention or meeting or whatever this really is in a place where a community could really use the money. I am not sure where that would be but maybe Flint or Detroit Michigan? How about someplace in Africa in one of the ten poorest countries in the World? I believe many of these men are in this BUSINESS for the right thing but how many of us have worked for a company that we thought were making a difference and cared about their customers and employees just to find out that they were in it to rob and cheat their customers and employees? The job is was at for the longest time in my life I was in that situation but once you get in you cannot get out for many reasons.

I surely didn't intend to go off on organized religion but sometimes I get carried away. And some day I am sure I will. If people could just have personal relationships with their chosen Gods imagine how much nicer the world and our history would be.

We recorded Dirty Laundry Podcast last night, I will edit it today and maybe even tomorrow morning and it will be up by tomorrow morning sometime. I did upload our first installment of Treadmill Theater onto the Podomatic site and iTunes. It is only five minutes long and the first couple of minutes are dead air. I will be doing this every week until we or you get tired of it.

Last week was my mom's birthday. I called her but did not go over because of the blizzard. I told her that I would come over today so I will go over and see her today. I am going to take her out for lunch because I cannot be in their house very long because I am allergic to cats. I am not super allergic but my parents have five or six cats and their whole house smells like cats and there is fur flying (not like in a fight but just like a fur fog). I make it sound worse than it is but not by much. And, of course, when they go on trips guess who is the one who gets to catsit? I just go and feed them and empty the litter boxes (five litter boxes) but I walk out with a stuffed-up nose and itchy eyes.

I am down in the studio now finishing the blog and editing the podcast. I am also getting pinged by Facebook that I have some Words With Friends moves to make. The internet was supposed to make our lives easier but it is really just giving us more and more to do.

I have to wrap this up and it is distracting me from editing the podcast. That is a preemptive excuse in case the podcast stinks this week. I guess it can also serve as a mea culpa for the blog too. Have a great day. I will let you know when the new podcast is ready for your digestion. Thank you for stopping in for a bit. Is there a new Pope yet? No, the will vote "no" again twice today after lunch and then they will try again tomorrow. They are at a Cardinal sales meeting and they are not gonna leave without getting as many free meals and golf and room service and shows on the company's dime as they can I have been to many national sales meetings in my day and I know how this works. TTTT...MITM (out)!

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