Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog Wars

This one may be a real "wars" show too
There is so much hostility in America. Parking Wars, Border Wars, Storage Wars, Shipping Wars, Whale Wars, Storage Wars: Texas, Whisker Wars, Cupcake Wars, Design Wars, Food Wars, Container Wars, Fan Wars... I wish I knew someone else who blogged so I could start Blog Wars. I am fairly certain that the word "war" in all of these show titles is a bit over the top. Some of these shows have lasted longer than most wars and the same people keep coming back week after week. If we ever really go to full-out war with another country I wonder if people will really appreciate the magnitude of what war is? Whale Wars was probably the only one that was a real war. I have never seen the show but I believe it is actually a war for the whales. I think they were fighting for their lives.

Why isn't throwing cigarette butts out of a car littering? I see this just about every day and it disgusts me. I am not a butt fan (the cigarette ones) so I am not really up on my butt facts but I bet they are not biodegradable. Maybe there should be Butt Wars. I guarantee that the first week or two of the show would do well based on the title alone and then it would probably end. Is littering even punishable by law? The only things I throw out of a vehicle are: banana peels, orange peels, apple cores... Maybe that is wrong too but in my mind they offer food for smaller animals and birds and they are all 100% biodegradable. I just think the planet has a tough enough time trying to keep us safe so I do my part to help her.
Sinatra, Dino, Sammy, Lawford and Mr. Roper
I read that a man tapped into a casino's surveillance system and managed to use the information he received to rob the Crown Casino of over $33,000,000 (I could have just written "$33 Million" but it looks bigger the other way and this way I can squeak out a few more words to make the blog look longer). I am not sure if casinos in Australia are run and owned by organized crime like they are in America but this is a gutsy thing to do. When I say "organized crime" I also include people/companies like: Donald Trump, Carl Icahn, American Real Estate Properties, Goldman Sachs... Reports are saying that the person who pulled-off this heist (how often do you get to use that word?) was a "foreigner." My money is on an American (yeah team!). I am not sure from the report that I read if the guy has been caught but they say he "has been identified through surveillance video and has been banned from their casinos." That seems kind of drastic; banning him from their casinos LOL. From what I can make out he was wearing an earpiece and was being told information that an accomplice was feeding him through the earpiece. He was cheating rather than robbing the vault like in Oceans Eleven. It's pretty funny that this is even a crime when the casinos cheat the odds by manipulating machines and doing the same types of things this dude was doing to cheat them. Casino Wars!

Did you hear that the new Pope had a girlfriend before becoming Pope? A woman came forward with a love letter he had written her. Scandal in the Catholic church? That is unusual. Okay, they were twelve-years-old. I am not really good about the suspense thing. I should have mentioned the scandal part at the beginning and then said what the scandal is at the end. Damn it! I could have still done that now and you would never have known that I didn't. Damn it, I did it again. At least this Pope likes (or at least liked) women. Pope Wars!

I have to take a few moments to reflect and repent for my blogging. I appreciate you being here and thank you much. Have a great night. I may or may not blog this weekend but I still have to finish fixing the podcast and getting it uploaded so I probably won't. If I don't talk at you by Sunday have a great St. Patrick's Day. TTTWKW (who knows when)...MITM (gone) TA!

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