Tuesday, March 19, 2013

No Volcano Onion for YOU!

Happy Winter Spring! The news people who like to keep us depressed with all of the bad news are saying that it was almost 80 degrees here in the MIDDLEwest when Spring sprung last year. While I was toodling around town in the MIDDLE of the night last night I saw the bank telling me that it was 17 degrees and the bad news guy who interrupted the music every now and then told me that it was four degrees below zero with the wind chill. Why do I need to know the wind chill? Whether it's 17 and windy or it feels like four below zero I am going to pretty much dress the same but they just need to make things seem worse than they are - thank goodness for podcasts that are more upbeat and either focus on the good or make fun of the bad.

When I got off work I got three hours of sleep and then took care of some business. I called the refrigerator repair man who is coming out on Friday, I changed the light bulbs in the upstairs hall ceiling light, I went grocery shopping (and put them away when I got home), I got Cha Cha's medicine, I got Cha Cha a couple of bottles of wine for her to review on the podcast tonight (Cha Cha's Whining), I threw $20 away for a chance to win $260,000,000+, I did the dishes, I just now started the laundry... that's most of it. I think we're going to try a newer restaurant in town for dinner tonight. It will not be in town long (prediction before I even go there) because it is a Japanese steakhouse. I think, from everything I have seen about the place, that it is like a Benihana or a Domo 77. The place is called Mikimoto Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar. In the MIDDLE of a bunch of farm fields full of farmers and college students and idiots like me I am afraid they are not in the correct area. There is a very good sushi restaurant right next to them and I am assuming that they are connected so maybe I am wrong and the sushi place is doing so well they decided to branch-out. I hope they do that onion volcano thing. I love sushi and I love the dude throwing around spatulas and all of the clinking metal and pepper-mills.

Wait, he's Chinese not Japanese. Is Japanese luck crickets?
I am sure we will talk about the steakhouse when we record Dirty Laundry Podcast tonight. We will also talk about a movie we rented on DirecTv the other night (The Master). While I was out I also went to Redbox and got Zero Dark Thirty. I was surprised that it was in because it just came out. I have a feeling nobody knows it is out yet. Maybe we will watch it first and record the show tomorrow? There are so many decision in life that really don't mean anything but effect other subsequent decisions. Now that I think about it we may wait until tomorrow to record the show because we will be able to produce a much better show with that $300,000,000. Talk about a state-of-the-art podcasting studio and the publicity for the podcast when we collect that check. Bribing people to listen to the podcast would not even beneath me with that kind of bank. Imagine the guests we could buy.

For all of you wanna-be reality show stars Big Brother is holding an open casting call at the Cubby Bear on Addison in Chicago on Saturday, March 30th from 1-4PM. Remember where you heard about it if you get on the show when I call you to be on the podcast. I may have that lottery money by then so double bonus for you. Maybe I should audition. They take old morons on that show too right? I have never seen that show but I saw when Jimmy Hughes (you know, Greg Warner's security guard brother-in-law) was on the show on Yes, Dear and I picture me on the show being like he was. You can go to CBS.com if you are looking for more information. There are abut 14 of you that immediately come to mind that would be great on that show (yes, I mean YOU!).

Cha Cha just texted me that she may not want to go out for dinner tonight because "it's too cold." We're not eating outside for crying out loud. We are taking a vehicle that I can warm up before she gets into it from the garage and parking right in front of the door or, if not, I will drop her at the door as I normally do. The horse is sick so we're not taking the one horse open sleigh. So, most of the things I previously wrote here may now be lies. I am going to quit now before I unintentionally lie some more. Did I mention that Marissa Tomei and Jessica Alba are stalking me? I was pretty excited about the potential for a volcano onion too damn it!
Love me some volcano onion!

Now that I am bummed I am going to start another load of laundry. I will probably blog again tomorrow but apparently I will have nothing fun to blog about but maybe a frozen pizza or something. I guess we will have more time to watch Zero Dark Thirty now. Have a great night and thanks a lot for reading my crabbing. I will also get caught up on my Words With Friends this way. When the world hands you onions... you know, volcano onions! TTTT...MITM (I guess she didn't know I was gonna win that Powerball dealy tonight did she?) TA!

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