Monday, March 25, 2013

Pigs and Hogs and Mice

Tourism leads to violence?
It's Friday for me WOO HOO.

I don't know how much I can say about what is going on but I have to say I am extremely proud of Cha Cha. There will be more on this soon though. And how exciting for her to get to fly to Detroit. I told her while she is there she should try to get to Flint. She was in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago and going to Detroit now. That is two of the top three most violent cities in the U.S. of America and Flint would complete the trifecta. I think Flint may be considered part of Detroit's statistics to help propel them to the top. So, Oakland squeaks in at number three.

I am not really sure when we are going to be able to record the podcast this week. It will happen but I am not really sure when given that we (the royal "we") are jet-setters now and that makes recording a bit difficult. We know you will have withdrawals without your Dirty Laundry Podcast so we will make something happen.

Hey, this Spring thing is really working out for us. It's almost 39 degrees today. We're hearing a lot of bad-mouthing about the poor groundhog. Punxutawney Phil never asked to be yanked out of his hole and paraded around like the prize pig at the fair. Have you ever seen how miserable he looks? Who decided this is the way we should predict the weather? Now we want to string him up because of our warming the Earth and changing the weather. Groundhogs don't throw their plastics in the waterways. And, though their fur looks really nice most of the time I am sure they do not use aerosol hairsprays. Leave the damn hogs alone. Oh, ground HOG and prize PIG - coincidence? Maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is the ground pig's fault. Let's string him up!!!
Now she is Old Hag Minnie

As long as I am blogging field animals let me transition to mice. What in the hell is up with Minnie Mouse's new outfit? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Walt Disney has to be rolling over in his cryogenic chamber on Pluto right now (of course he is on Pluto where else would he be?). I am Mr. Blackwell, except for the obvious similarities, but polka dots never go out. Not to mention that Walt Disney was the person who designed Minnie's outfit and I think he seems to have had some sort of idea of his vision. It's the same thing that has happened to George Lucas over the years. People have always told him that his stories should have gone "this way" not the way he wrote them. These were his vision! If you were so smart why didn't you make these films? Another coincidence for today - the merging of Lucas and Disney (weird!).  She looks like Zsa Zsa GaMouse. Sounds like this new outfit is only for formal events and she may keep the old outfit for every day but that is how it starts. In a year or two the polka dots will be gone and they will have horn-swaggled us again. This is what they do all the time and we just keep letting it happen.  She looks like an old lady. Maybe she should wear curlers and bedroom slippers?

That idiot Jesse James just got married. I give it 20 months. I know I am going out on a limb but Sandra Bullock is better. They both have kids from previously relationships and have both been around the block several times but I am sure this one will stick. Four marriages may be the charm Jesse. I hope there are new matching tattoos in their futures. Nothing says love like matching hepatitis.

We went out a bought a new Fridge yesterday. It only cost $1000 but we get a $75 rebate so that's like money in our pocket. That $75 will come in handy to replace some of the things we threw out when the other fridge crapped-out. Now that I think about it the delivery charge is $49 - damn it! I have been had again. Pretty soon I will be Matt in the poorhouse. I will be looking up at the MIDDLE.

Detroit? Another coincidence?
I am so happy that I am a flexible person. I have always been pretty much a spur-of-the-moment, go-with-the-flow kinda guy. This week all of that is going to come in handy. I think I may have missed my calling. I would have made a really good spy because of the these attributes and my natural nosiness. Maybe I should start my own Pie company. I think I'd be a good Pie! Mattgum Pie! P.I.E. = Private Investigation Endeavor. Private Investigation Enterprises. I have to work on that. Who wants to team-up?

Obviously I am just trying to stretch this blog out. I apologize. Have a great night. Thank you for stopping in. I am sure I will blog tomorrow and Wednesday I may blog twice. I have never done that but I may do it just to do it now that I think about it. I am hearing Matt Damon doing a commercial for TV Ameritrade on the television. I am sure happy he finally found some work. This drives me crazy as I have said here and on the podcast but then I mentioned their company in my blog because they use a mega-celebrity so who is the dummy? No answer needed there. Have a great night and I will hit you sometime tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out - or am I? that's my PIE practice) TA!

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