Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Flip of the Coin Called Earth (TAILS)

It is Saturday afternoon; something I like to call the MIDDLE of Tuesday night. My Wednesday morning will be here before you know it. Tonight we lose an hour. If we learned to put our stuff away when we were done with them we wouldn't lose things. I get my 20% raise at work beginning one week from today. So I've got that going for me which is nice.

Cha Cha and I are thinking about going to see Oz: The Great and Powerful this afternoon. It is 14:37 right now and the showtimes are 15:30 and 16:30 but Cha Cha has fallen asleep on the couch downstairs so I will be surprised if it happens today. I am not going to wake her because I have been told that sleep is important. I don't believe in sleep. I know it exists because I have seen it but I have not been able to catch one of these specimens for myself. I have a feeling that we will see it tomorrow instead of today.

I think I am going to upload our new podcast feature - Treadmill Theater - separately onto iTunes tomorrow. It is only a couple of minutes long but I have remastered it so it is easier to hear and understand. It will be free too, of course, so what will it hurt to make it available? I will let you know if and when I do this in case you're interested. I smell spin-off. It will be the Joanie Loves Chachi of Dirty Laundry Podcast. That was a bad choice. Maybe the Mork and Mindy or Laverne and Shirley or Blansky's Beauties or Out of the Blue of Dirty Laundry Podcast instead. Wow, Happy Days had some spin-off power didn't it? Or, are these all just spin-offs from Love, American Style? Did you know that Happy Days was a spin-off from Love, American Style (that's one of my favorite trivia questions). I wonder what television show had the most spin-offs in history? Those CSI shows seem to be everywhere. The Mary Tyler Moore show had: Lou Grant, Phyllis and Rhoda. All In The Family had: The Jeffersons, Maude, Archie Bunker's Place, Gloria. I am showing off my Radio-Television college education now. I am quite the television scholar (my major really was Radio-Television - how sad is that?).
Did you hear that Victoria's Secret is starting a teen line? I know I am a MIDDLE fart bordering on the other side of MIDDLE so it makes sense that I have a problem with this. There are so many sexually-related crimes in our country so maybe this isn't such a great idea. One thing, besides increasing: sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, date rape..., is it will further anger all of the MIDDLEeastern countries. We are certainly the flip side of their coin. Hah, Earth is just a giant coin. That would be something. If there is a huge dude/dudette sitting in a chair in the clouds maybe planets are like his/her coins. Maybe that is what fate is - a flip of the planet? Wow, do I wax philosophical sometimes? I recommend just sitting down and just start typing - you never know what'll escape from your fingers.

I am gonna mosie downstairs and see if Cha Cha is awake. It is 15:30 now so that show is out but the 16:30 feature is still in play. It's ironic that spell-check wanted to change "mosie" to "movie." Have a great night and thanks, as always, for making me feel special. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour so you don't miss The Walking Dead tomorrow night. I assume the DVR will make those changes automatically. I wish the house would do that. I usually spend about two hours on these days trying to get all of the clocks changed. Maybe that's why we don't abolish this lunacy? It's two days a year we get a little exercise. TTTMonday (probably)...MITM (the cute and powderful). TA!

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