Monday, March 11, 2013

Let's See Who I Can Offend Today!

This whole Pope thing is totally ridiculous to me. Now they have installed jamming devices in the Vatican because they cannot trust their Cardinals not to discuss their highly secret meeting while wearing hoods and robes and whatnot. So one of these geezers soon to be the new Godfather and they cannot keep their mouths shut? What are they gonna do sell information to media outlets? They already live better than every one of us ever will and they need money? For what? I think they should have a Vatican reality show except they are all old wrinkly dudes and everybody knows that you have to have some hot women to have a successful reality show. Even Duck Dynasty, which is all scripted like 97.6% of all reality shows (that is a published number so it must be correct - it is published because I hit the "publish" button and you are reading it right now) has hot wives on the show. These guys cannot be trusted to keep their mouths shut but they are the guys that hear confessions? They hear peoples' deepest, darkest secrets and they are a bunch of blabber-mouths? People know all of this and keep flocking to these men and forking over the cash. How come organized religion isn't hit by these bad economic times? They even have gold roofs in their Emerald City after all of the hush money they pay out.

Supposedly a profit back in the 12th century, Irish Archbishop Malachy O'Morgair, predicted that the 112th Pope would be the last one. The one they are electing now is the 112th. Malachy had a vision that saw Benedict XVI as the 111th Pope and the one following him would be the last. I cannot hear Malachy and not think of The Malachi Crunch! Maybe we only have one more rein of this madness even though if they choose a young enough person it could last another 50-60 years. Now that I have alienated most religious people I shall move-on.

Blogging of The Emerald City reminded me that City Cha Cha and I saw Oz, The Great and Powerful yesterday. I know we will talk about it on Dirty Laundry Podcast but (spoiler alert) I will just let you know that I really enjoyed the film. I heard that it was a true story but I have a hard time believing that. I didn't really hear that so I am not sure why I wrote that it is based on a true story.
It's like looking in a mirror (an Oz, Great & Powerful one)

I just saw a headline for a story on MSN about health secrets of celebrity men over 40. I did not read the story because I am fairly convinced that that I cannot ever look like the two guys that they put the photos of on the story (Rob Lowe and Will Smith) and I bet I know what it says (basically). Get plenty of rest, eat right, avoid stress and exercise regularly. We all know what we are suppose to do to look like Will Smith and Rob Lowe but even if I did all of that I would still need: plastic surgery, will power (no pun intended), a personal trainer, a nutritionist, millions of dollars... I will just stay fat, wrinkled and ugly than you very much.

I have a bunch of stuff I have to get done before I leave to get some other stuff I have to get done done so I must end now. Actually, my advisers told me to end because it seems that I am in a mood that is going to get me into trouble if I keep blogging.  Have a great day and night. I apologize if I offended any of you beliefs or feelings. I know you are smart enough to get over it. I don't care if you slam my thoughts or beliefs or I wouldn't potentially slam some of yours. If I am in a more agreeable mood I will blog again tomorrow. TTTNT (next time) MITM (Audi 5000) TA!

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