Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is Your Couch Available (shrink needed)

I have what you might call an obsessive personality. Some people call what they have drive but I prefer to call mine obsession. They are the same thing just one sounds more acceptable than the other but we all know that they are the same thing. I wish I could channel it into something worthwhile but it has a screwed-up mind of it's own. I am currently obsessed with taking Dirty Laundry Podcast to the next step. I am not sure what the next step is though. Podcasting is a fairly new medium so there is not a whole bunch of history to follow. Do I start my own network? Most of the, so called, networks I find are just a bunch of famous friends who have circled their wagons together. I have tried to reach-out to some of these people but I am pretty much a nobody to them. I guess I am sort of a pioneer in podcasting. It's not really brand new; it's maybe a toddler but I am going to have to think of myself as a pioneer to move forward with this thing. There is nothing wrong with the way we do the show now but I imagine it's just human nature to want more and grow. I think we have a podcast that can turn goat-piss into gasoline and everyone should get onboard.

I just took a break and sent a message to a "friend" who started a large podcasting network awhile back. It is a very large podcasting network in Hollywood. I have a character flaw that does not allow me to ask people for help very often so this is a huge deal for me. I have no idea what the character issue is about but if I cannot figure things out I usually think that it is something that doesn't need to be done. I am a person who will always help people, even perfect strangers, when they ask yet I won't ask anyone. I have to really need something done badly and have no place else to turn to ask somebody for something. In turn, I almost always help people if they ask for anything. I really should see somebody about this deal. Maybe I just feel I am not worthy. I am pretty much an old dog now so I may as well just stick with my old tricks at this point. See, I won't even ask anybody for help with a mental issue - that explains a lot.

I have not watched one single awards show or all-star game in about three years and I plan to continue my boycott of these ridiculous displays ever again. Maybe if Ricky Gervais hosts an awards show again I will consider watching. He called a spade a spade and poked fun of the festivities and the participants and has pretty much been banned ever since.

There are talks of getting rid of the penny. I am speaking of the United States coin worth one cent when I say "penny" for anybody who doesn't remember these little brown pieces of metal. Now, after several years, these things will finally be worth something. I remember when we used them to buy gumballs from machines but that hasn't been for quite awhile now. Now will they put little dishes next to cash registers for nickels? Most of us seldom even use cash anymore but what will they do without pennies? They will have to round anything we purchase to the nearest five cents. So, will sales tax have to be adjusted? Will prices of things have to be changed so when we purchase things the total will have come out to something that is multiplied by five?

I am out of things to blog about and it's just about 2AM so I think I should try to get a couple of hours of shut-eye. I hope you have a great day. I am going to have a good one because after I work my Monday (your Thursday) I have three days off. Pending weekends and days-off always changes outlooks on things don't you thin? Thanks a lot for stopping by and for listening to the podcast before we get huge; I really appreciate you, TTTT (probably)...MITM (out to just lie here trying to sleep). TA!

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