Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Last Repetitive Blog in My Life!

Hit it Roz!
Today is 12/12/12! This is the last repetitive date we'll see in out lifetime unless cryogenics starts getting its ass in gear. I suppose the last one we had was 11/11/11 huh? There can't be a 13/13/13 unless we add a month, which I am all for. The next one will be 1/1/3001 right? I have never been good at math so let me know if I am wrong. Maybe this was what the Maya were talking about (when I say "talking" I mean "not continuing the calendar") and not the end of the world.

The new Dirty Laundry Podcast is up (also available free on iTunes - "dirty laundry podcast"). I just got done editing it and then uploading it. It's got a movie review, the recording of those Australian deejays whose prank led to a nurse in England killing herself. We also discuss a new restaurant we tried and a new booze that may become our new favorite. There is A LOT more too but that will get you started.

Nobody really seems nervous that the world is supposed to end in nine days. I am glad that we are a smart enough to society to be able to see through all of the bologna that the media uses to sell their wares and the idiots who really believe this kind of thing. I was worried that bank robberies and other crimes would go up as the day got closer. People thinking that they only have a few days to live so they may as well throw caution to the wind and do whatever they wanted. I may be regaining my faith in humanity and the intellectual level of my fellow Earthians (why isn't that a word?). Maybe these idiots who shoot at malls and movie theaters were the ones I was worried about?

Tennis player Carolina Wozniacki is being called a racist for her imitation of Serena Williams. Wozniacki stuffed towels in her bra and in her underoos in the rear at a tennis match in Brazil. She and Serena are friends and she was good-naturely poking fun at her friend. Now some are calling her racist. So, big breasts and junk in the trunk are African-American features? We are all different and Serena does have large lady cushions and a little extra baggage in the back of the house. Wozniacki couldn't do anything to get those big Williams muscular legs. In Serena's case the extra in the rear is probably all muscle too. The media just always has to make something out of nothing just to get attention. These women are really good friends and this was not mean-spirited. One thing is now I know who Carolina Wozniacki is...I never knew before.

Tonight there is a show on television to benefit the victims of Super Storm Sandy. I normally don't watch these kinds of things but Paul McCartney is going be the front-man for Nirvana tonight at Madison Square Garden. Dave Grohl (former Nirvana drummer and Foo-Fighters front man) and Krist Novoselic (former Nirvana bass player) are getting back together with Sir Paul as Kurt Cobain. Sir Paul told Britain's paper The Sun, " I really didn't k ow who they were..." Also appearing at the event are The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, The Who, Eric Clapton, Kanye West (what a shocker), Billy Joel, Eddie Vedder, Alicia Keys... Pretty good line-up. Where is Ringo? How do I get a concert T-shirt for that one? It is going to be on several television and radio stations as well as at movie theaters...

I have to wrap this up because it's time to take Fabio to the trainer and figure out what's for dinner. This is my one day that I am 100% not working so I have to make the most of it. It has become kind of depressing since I discovered that factoid. Have a great night, enjoy the podcast, send us mail so I can talk about you. If you have a product or a service you want to promote to a world-wide audience we'd probably promote it for free (depending on what it is)... Thanks a lot for stopping in and I will blog again in the morning. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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