Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Suck It Maya!

It's the waning hour of Christmas. It was a nice day with my parents. I was probably as cordial as I could have been but I was operating on three hours of sleep after getting off work at 06:00. Sometimes, after the things are over, I wish I could have been more fun but we all seemed to have a great time and a great meal thanks to Cha Cha. Tomorrow afternoon Cha Cha's family is coming over and I should be more fun. Tomorrow would normally be my Sunday but I took Thursday and Friday off with Splenda being home from school and Fabio and Cha Cha being off work/school until the beginning of the year.

If anyone wants to borrow The Ricky Gervais Show we have two copies so we will be happy to lend one of them out. Cha Cha and I each got the other the exact same thing; who says you don't turn into the same people when you get married. No wonder I think she is so hot!

Last night I spent about eight hours with a couple of friends with unique perspectives about the gun issues in America. One is from Mexico/Texas and the other is from Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia for you other MIDDLEagers). I was picking their brains for their opinions on the NRA, the recent shooting in Connecticut, gun violence in the world... I feel more prepared for our gun talk on Dirty Laundry Podcast when we discuss the gun issues in America with the owner of Urban Tanks on January 8th. I am hoping to get my Croatian buddy on the show eventually. He has some very interesting perspectives on violence in America coming from a former communist country almost always engulfed in one form or another of civil war. Not to mention that he has a great soviet/Russian-sounding accent which would sound really cool on the podcast - especially since we are listened-to world-wide. I hope he agrees to be on the show.

I will be right back. The washer is warning me that the clothes need to be moved to the dryer. Damn you Maya...I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do laundry anymore (not the podcast kind - I love doing that Dirty Laundry).


Sorry that took so long. After I moved the clothes to the dryer and started another in the washer I thought it was a good idea to put always the clean load of dishes and clean the kitchen. I am certain that the water softener is down there wondering what the Hell is going on up here.

I am kinda stuffed-up. I would trade that for being tired.

Charles Durning and Jack Klugman both died. I have always liked both of their works. I hate when this happens to me but... I thought Jack Klugman was already dead. Even though I know Abe Vigoda is still alive I will probably say that when he dies too. I am not sure if I think it would be cool to die at Christmas time or sad. I guess if I die at Christmas time it won't really MATTer how I will feel any longer will it?

I will probably see a movie over the next few days. Any suggestions? I have seen Skyfall, Lincoln and The Hobbit and am thinking either: Flight, Les Miserables or Django Unchained. I am not sure if Flight is still in theaters, Les Miserables is getting bad reviews and Django is "disrespectful" according to Spike Lee. Maybe I will just wait. Cha Cha and I are still available for the next three days is you require an audience.

I had two bloody marys yesterday morning and I am going to have several more today. I know the place that I am getting them will not be out of bloody mary mix because it is me and I have plenty. I may get more while I am out later this morning just to be safe. Have a great day after Christmas. Hopefully you get another day or two off of work. I will let you know when the new podcast is up...we have to figure out when to record it first. Thank you for continuing to stop by for another year as we get ready to head into 2013 no MATTer what the MAYA say - suck in Maya!!!! TTTT...MITM (stress-free for another three day) OUT. TA!

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