Monday, December 3, 2012

It's that Caring Time of Year Again!

Howdy doody! It's Monday for you... my condolences. Your Monday is one of my favorite days of the week. Tell me why, I do like Mondays, tell me why, I do like Mondays...!

Just got home from taking Fabio to his trainer; he goes three days a week now. He hates it but he loves it - that's how it is supposed to be so I think we are on track. After the trainer we went to Barnes and Noble to get him a book he needs for school. Being at the book store reminded me of why print is dying. Print will never die but it will continue to die a slow death the way we have known it because of people like these book stores and the artist formerly known as Borders have done. We walked in and immediately were pounced upon to purchase their NOOK. That is their electronic book like the Kindle. See, even they know that the way print is currently is on the way out and I appreciate that they are wise enough to try to be part of the revolution when their stores close. This dude pushing the NOOK is standing their committing suicide; once everybody buys the electronic books he will no longer be needed. The Irony!!!! They are forcing this guy to drink the Kool-Aid. So, we get the book Fabio needs (maybe we should have gotten it for the NOOK) and we go to pay for the book. There was one woman ringing people up (that is an old-world term for scanning a bar code and taking the payment in the old days when we went to store to buy things) and there was a line of about five people waiting like lemmings to pay for their soon-to-be antiques/collector's items. So we stood there and stood there while NOOK-boy just stood by the door watching the zero customers coming in. Nobody ever thought that maybe he, who was doing nothing, should come over and get the line moving while "grandma thousand questions" was figuring out if she wanted to check-out or not. So, finally, we get to the front of the line and buy our one book and are asked, "would you like to donate a book to our local book drive today?" I always so, "no thank you." It's just a way for them to trick us into buying more of their books. It's a nice thing but why don't they just donate some books and write them off to charity? They would rather do this and still have us pay for them so they can double-dip. We donate a lot directly to charities and that way we know it really gets where it is supposed to go. We used to go to the homeless shelter in town every year and take a bunch of food, including a huge ham. We haven't done that in a few years but maybe we need to start that again. I am glad I wrote this to remember me of that. Now that I think of it Cha Cha and I drove up to Wisconsin last year with a carload of non-perishables to help soldiers and their families that were effected by flooding or something. That was organized by my good buddy John Roehlk. I am sorry for the long paragraph but this kind of writing apparently isn't even close to dead.

Our local college football team, Northern Illinois University, has been invited to The Orange Bowl. It has become quite a controversy in the world of college football that such a small school team gets such a big shot. I have followed the team for several years, living in the town and all and having worked many of the football games, and they have gotten better and better every year and they do deserve this. Their quarterback, Jordan Lynch, is even being mentioned in a lot of Heisman Trophy talks. I am going to talk about it on the Dirty Laundry Podcast when we record tomorrow so I will leave it at that for now.

Well, I have to think about getting ready for work. I guess by blogging that I have to think about getting ready to work means I was already thinking about it. Have a great night and thanks a lot for spending time with my thoughts. They are lonely most of the time in my head and enjoy your company. Tomorrow I have to take Maisy to the groomer; I am sure she's very excited. I will get to blogging in between that and trying to sleep and podcasting and taking Fabio to basketball... TTTT...MITM (primping out) TA!

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