Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dear Santa: All I Want is...

I just saw a headline in our stupid local newspaper (yes, it is stupid or I wouldn't have written that) that asked "Do You Believe in Santa Claus?" What kind of question is that to put on page two in 36 pt. bold type of a paper lying about where anybody can read it? We worry about what pornography will do to the minds of children but this is okay. There are very few magic things in our lifetimes and Santa is one of the ones that we all know is real so why is that even a question? I did not read the story because I usually, literally, kick this paper to the curb every week. They throw it on our driveway every Wednesday (it's a free piece of crap that everybody in town gets) and I kick it to where the garbage is picked up and when we take the cans to the curb I put it in the recycle bin - still in the plastic wrap sometimes soaked by rain (useless planet-killing plastic bag). There are about three stories in the paper (I have looked once or twice) and the rest is all advertisements and sale flyers. I should save them all up for a year and dump them in their parking lot next Christmas with a note that says "love Santa."

Everybody all the time just wants our money and this is the time of year that people are even more blatant about it than usual. I cannot tell anybody that I don't want anything for Christmas because for some reason there are a few people who will get me crap that I don't need or want anyway. I seriously do not want anything. Here is what I do want: I want people to get along and to respect one another. I want violence against children and helpless animals to completely stop. I want no more hatred. I want people to be able to be whoever they are as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's rights and wants. I want everyone to have sufficient food, clothing, love and living space. I want the planet to be respected and treated like it's the home that we all share. I want everybody to smile and mean it. I want news agencies (newspapers. television news, radio news...) to shut down because they don't have any tragedies to cover (when is the last time you heard a cheerful news story - other than maybe people doing nice things following a tragedy)? I would settle for one of these things this year. Maybe the Maya thing would just be like hitting the "reset" button and the ones that survive could have learned and make the next round just a little bit nicer.

There I go getting on my blogbox (blog soap box). I think this blog has made me a better person over the last 764 blogs. I am able to vent, thinking that people were listening/reading (sometimes they/you do and sometimes they/don't). I think it's good just getting it out and then letting it go. That's a nice thing about Dirty Laundry Podcast for me too. That would be another of my Christmas wishes - for the podcast to get well-known so maybe we could make a change by making people forget their problems or, at least knowing that they are not alone, for an hour a week or so. Yes, I would like to save the world contrary to the talk that it isn't possible. Most of the stuff we discuss is mindless (I am qualified for mindless but Cha Cha is not) but there are a lot of things buried in there that, hopefully, make people think. It even works on me from time to time.

I am done. Funny how one headline from a terrible newspaper can make this happen. I guess it will make me consider my blogs a little more carefully from now on. Maybe my crappy blog sparks something in someone's mind too. Maybe even yours? I wish I could say that I would do better blogs because of this but I shoot from the heart, as I said yesterday I think, and a lot of times the switch that blocks the heart from signalling my brain to engage mouth or hand to keyboard doesn't react fast enough. Funny sidenote - Cha Cha just grabbed the paper with the headline that started this whole thing and said, "it's all ads. It's like a 'Penny Saver'." Now we know why it's free and thrown on our driveway - to try to get more of out money.

saved / earned
Thanks for letting me vent (you can tell it's almost the end of the month - Pre Mattsruartion Syndrome). I do appreciate you and I hope I help you either feel superior or not feel as alone. Either way, I hope you feel better for being here like I feel better knowing you stopped by. Cha Cha is now singing Baby, It's Cold Outside. It's funny how she sounds great now but on the podcast we sounded abhorrent. Must have been the pressure of the podcast and knowing that the entire world listens. Have a great day and batten down the hatches for the snow they say is coming in the MIDDLEwest (they talk like we have never had snow before - we are overdue this year - SNOWMAGEDDON). TTTT...MITM (bleeding heart out). TA!

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