Tuesday, September 18, 2018

We Don't Use the Word "Supermarket" Anymore

Though it was sucky while I did it I am glad that I mowed the yard and burned he brush yesterday as it rained and thundered throughout most of the night. It was still raining this morning and the sun is just beginning to make an encore appearance this morning at 11:39. I have very few things on my dance card today other than going to the supermarket. I like to use the word supermarket as saying "the store" is so very vague these days since we have stores for many different goods: the pet store, the tire store, the clothes store, the porno store, the liquor store, the auto parts store, jewelry store... so many more to list if I were so inclined but I am not. I now try to think about all of the different stores in the few shopping malls that still exist.

Man, it is 19:14 now. I have done a lot since 11:39 though it just seems like seconds to you. I went to Petco and got to the checkout with a cart full dog stuff and didn't have my credit card. I only keep one credit card with me now so it is easier to pay crap off from the bank card with no interest... So, I drove all the way back across town wondering, all the way, where in the Hell my card was. As I walked into the house I remembered that I used it to buy Trevor Noah concert tickets last night though I am not sure if this kind of show is called a concert. So, I drove back across town (with Jeff this time because he gets to go in that kind of stores) and paid for and got the stuff. So, all is good right now.

If you live near me and want to know a podiatrist NOT to go to in my neck of the woods please let me know and I will, happily, give you information. I was sent a bill that says I have stuff past due and this is the first bill that I ever received from them. Additionally. they say I owe around $336.00 and this is from the beginning of when I went to see him in late July. I kept impeccable records with copies of everything and I paid $250.00 the first time I visited and that is not listed. I checked my bank account and it was deducted from the checking account. This guy also said that I had a "partially severed Achilles tendon" when, in fact it ended up being a stressed when I went to see an orthopedist (using the disc that I got from the podiatrist. Plus, how can I be past due when this is the first bill that I ever received from him? 

For dinner tonight I made Chicken katsu with gingered greens and spicy chile mayo. It was pretty good but I have had better from Sun Basket. It was easy to make but I learned that I don't like mustard greens. I love mustard (all kinds) but there should never be green mustard, right? I think there was for awhile or maybe that was ketchup?

I am done now because I want to watch The Bob Newhart Show and put some Icy Hot on my Achilles. Thanks for stopping by again. Cha Cha is off of work for the next three days and I am still off until Sunday so maybe we will find something fun to do. If you have any ideas for fun things to do while everybody else is either at work or in school let me know. TTTT (almost surely)...MITM (out) TA!

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