Saturday, September 15, 2018

She's not my lover but I may be tipsy

She's not my lover
I want to start by thanking everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. Please do not feel bad if you did not know that it was my birthday as I took it off of my social media sites because, for me personally, I think it became silly to celebrate after about the twelfth anniversary of  my death.

I heard on the radio today that the Texas Board of Education voted to remove Helen Keller and Hillary Clinton from the state's curriculum. To me these women two of the most influential women in America's history. I would also include: Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Coretta Scott King, Susan Day O'Conner, Rosa Parks, Dolly Madison, Sacagawea, Harriett Tubman, Sally Ride... I know I am leaving so many remarkable American female American heroes out my that may because history is mostly written by men and men are, often times, intimidated by strong, smart, tough, brave... women and leave them out of the history books for fear of being overshadowed. I am married to a very intelligent, brave, strong woman and we have a daughter that is the same.
The real Woodstein

We just rented All the President's Men on Amazon Prime ($2.99) because we have watched many interviews with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and we got the itch again. When I was writing (and the news editor) for my newspaper in college my buddy Mark Jennings and I considered ourselves the Woodward and Bernstein of the paper. We did a lot of investigative stories as a team and even won a few awards. I am not Jewish (that I know of) but I was the Bernstein because he was tall and I was/am not. We had many Deep Throats over the years but we never revealed our sources when asked not to reveal their identities. I am considering getting back into my love of journalism and I may just start here on the local level. I still have ink in my blood. I am gonna watch the movie and drink about five or six bloody marys and I will be back. Cha Cha is having screwdrivers in case you are keeping score.

Why do wasabi peas float? I imagine it is because they are dehydrated. I have had five Absolut bloody marys now and I should not be blogging but I am because that is how I roll.
Michael Ian Black

Tomorrow Cha Cha and I are headed to the Dekalb Public Library as we have found out that they have podcasting booths. Michael Ian Black does his podcast from a library and he even brings his dog into the studio in the library. We will not bringing Jeff to the library as he would not behave himself. I am excited to start doing the podcast again but, remember, I have had five bloody marys so what do I know? We used to do a segment on the podcast called "Cha Cha's wining" where she would review a wine. I bet we cannot take a bottle of wine into the library. Why do wasabi peas float is still my question? I know that was random but I really want need to know.

I think I may watch All The President's Men again tomorrow. what a fabulous movie! Bob Woodward was/is from Wheaton, Illinois. All of the greats are from Illinois - me, you, Obama (sort of thought marriage), Woodward, Harrison Ford, Mandy Patinkin, Bill Murray (and his brothers), Hillary, Michelle Obama (our next President?), Roger Ebert, John Cusack and the Cusacks, Cindy Crawford (I got her yogurt in a line at a store once so, basically, she bought me a yogurt), Robin Williams, Mr. T., John Belushi, Hugh Hefner, Gary Sinise, John Malkovich, Bob Newhart, Fred Savage, John C. Reilly, Gillian Anderson, Quincy Jones, Walt Disney, and so many more...

I am a bit tipsy but I am home and have not and will not drive while under the influence of: horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, wasabi peas, ice, bloody mary mix and Absolut vodka.That would be wrong and against the law and I am no scofflaw. Abslout is my vodka - if you drink the cheap stuff you will regret it the next day. I think I forgot to mention the blue cheese olives.

I want to express that I love you and that I am thankful that you continuing to stop by so I can keep writing. I apologize if there are typos and such but I am seeing three keyboards now. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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