Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't Be Alarmed it's Only Poisonous Gas!

All poisonous gas symptoms but none of my business!
I unjoined or quit or opted-out of our neighborhood Facebook page last night. My job provides LOTS of drama and excitement and I don't need more of it when I don't get paid for it. There has been a lot of idiots on the site over the years spouting-off dumb crap and I am tired of it. The straw that broke my MIDDLE back was, apparently there was a "poisonous gas leak" in a home in our neighborhood (learned about it on the Facebook page - which was a good thing about the site) and when I inquired about what the issue was I was told, basically that it was a "tragedy" and is none of my business and I wouldn't want it discussed on the page if it were my family. Well, since my family and my home reside in this subdivision and it may compromise the safety of my family and my largest monetary investment (our home) I think it may be just a little bit of my business. I will find out what happened at my work (one of the fringe benefits of where I work) but I think maybe everybody in our neighborhood should know about a "poisonous gas leak." Granted, these were the words used on the Facebook post but someone said that their kids were told to leave the neighborhood park when it occurred. A poisonous gas leak that kids aren't even safe outside at the neighborhood park is not my business? I guess I should leave the dog inside JIC (just in case).

I am on day five of my eating healthier again. I still cannot believe I started right before vacation. It really deosn't MATTer because I will not be side-tracked. After only five days I am already into a pair of shorts that had become tight in the waist. Guys always seem to lose weight faster than the gals and I am really sorry about that for you if you are one of the smarter sex. I am happy about it for me and rest of the dumber gender though. I am eating a huge salad right now. Cha Cha is going out tonight so I don't need to wait. She texted me to tell me about two hours ago. Why does the celery always fall to the bottom of the salad? I try to stir it up as I eat it but the celery has it's own agenda. Celery is the a-hole of vegetables.
The star of my new poisonous gas video
Last night I made a new skunk friend; there is a very short video on my Facebook page. I have decided to call him Frank unless I find out he is a she and then, Francis. I wish I had thought a little before I recorded the video because I probably would have turned the radio off or waited and played a song from YouTube or Pandora on my phone like Lynyrd Skynyrd's "That Smell" or The J Geils Band's "Love Stinks" or something. Maybe I am like a father figure to the skunk and this song works great. I am sure I will see my little buddy again and I will be more prepared next time. I saw one of the foxes again last night too. The other night I tried to video one of the foxes and he was too foxy for me. I couldn't get my phone video-ready in time. I should have a few songs lined-up for the fox too. Maybe the theme to Sandford and Son would be funny. Now I wish I hadn't quit the neighborhood Facebook page. I could use the video and photo for a neighborhood poisonous gass PSA (Public Service Announcement).  I wouldn't do something smart-assed like that though would I? My next animal video may be Jeff Helser attackeing water as it sprays ut of the garden hose - it's pretty funny. I may have to get involved in Youtube here soon.

I am tired. I may just go to bed soon since I am not really sure what time Cha Cha is coming home. I don't sleep conventional hours anyway. I actually have to eat more though. I am using the Weight Watchers point system again; that's the way I lost the 84 pounds about four or five years ago and I know it works for me. I wish I would have just stuck to it all this time but I didn't. If if's and buts were candies and nuts we'd all need to lose weight all the time or something like that.

I am going to wrap-up for today. If you haven't listened yet make sure to catch the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast. I am not sure if we are going to record Load #160 tomorrow because we may go to North Aurora Days. Don't be jealous. Sugar Grove Corn Boil one weekend and then North Aurora Days the next? Do we know how to party or what? It won't be very long before it's CornFest time in my town (yes, it is MY town). I just went to the Cornfest wedsite and see that American English and The Chicago Six will be there this year. The Chicago Six is a bunch of former Chicago Bears: Dan Hampton, Steve McMichael, Otis Wilson... and American English is a Beatles tribute band. They have some big acts out here over the years for Cornfest: Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Travis Tritt, Greg Kihn, Blue Oyster Cult, Junior Wells, .38 Special, The Grass Roots, Leon Russell, Koko Taylor, Marshall Tucker Band, Night Ranger, Survivor, Eddie Money, The Smithereens, Lady Antebellum... Everybody loves corn! Maybe I will try to get some Bears or Beatles on the podcast?

Have a great night. Thanks a lot for stopping out. I will probably blog again tomorrow as long as something comes to my mind. TTTT...MITH (out).

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