Monday, April 1, 2013

No Blog Today - April Fools!

I pity the April Fools that miss Dirty Laundry Podcast
It's April Fool's Day. That's amateur night. This is the day when people expect it; do it when people don't
expect it. I think people like to lie this day because they are immediately absolved. It looked like the weather was getting better and then April Fool's Day - coincidence? Mother Nature, you're a hack!

I finally got the new Dirty Laundry Podcast up today. It is the final load in season #2 (Load #105). Now, tomorrow or Wednesday we will begin season #3. Who knew it would last this long? As long as we continue to have fun doing the show we will continue to do it. I don't foresee it ever ending. If you haven't listened yet you are really missing out.

Thankfully tonight is my Friday. I am tired and I could use a day or two to rest. Cha Cha and my 25th wedding anniversary is in 29 days. I was gonna say that I think I will surprise her and take the night off but it is on a Tuesday which just happens to be my Saturday. Now I just have to figure out something nice to do for the big 25. I just made the big 25 a BIG 25. Any suggestions would be welcomed. I know she'd like to see The Book of Mormon again. I would too especially since I missed about 20-30 minutes parking the car and walking from the parking garage to the theater. Maybe a show, dinner and stay in the city? It makes it so easy that she doesn't read this blog. Why does she need to read it when she won the husband lottery and she lives it?
Oh yeah, Barack tells me all of the country's secrets little dude!
So are gonna go to war with North Korea or what? Are they insane? I suppose they said that when we took on England for our independence too but times have changed since the late 1770's. That's probably something they said too - "times have changed since the 1500's." I think Dennis Rodman is really shirking his responsibilities as Kim Jong Un's best friend and our chief North Korean negotiator and diploMATT. I think his friendship isn't as strong as he thought it was. This is why we don't tell national secrets to Dennis Rodman.

I just got dressed to go to the store. I was in sweatpants and now I am not. Then I have to go get Fabio from tennis practice. I will be back in about a half-hour but you won't even know I was gone unless I die or something but then maybe you'll never see this because it didn't get posted. If someone sees this on my laptop and I am dead just hit that orange "publish" tab at the top of this page and it will creep everybody out though they won't believe it because I died on April Fool's Day even though that would make sense. Maybe I will be back or maybe I will die - isn't that always the case? I guess there are a few more options but those are the biggies!

I am alive (April Fools). April Fools about that April Fools! I got Fabio and went to the store and just made dinner and now I am gonna wrap this up so I can eat and maybe get a few winks. It is actually pretty chilly out. I changed into jeans but I went commando and jeans are not as warm as I would have thought for this form or dress. Oh well, Thanks a lot for stopping-in and for listening to the podcast. I will blog again tomorrow because I will have more time then. Have a great night and just think warm thoughts. TTTT...MITM (I'll be back - spoken in Commando Schwarzenegger voice) TA! 

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