Tuesday, April 16, 2013

There Will Always Be Idiots!

I have mixed feelings about the news agencies in this country. I worked in writing news off-and-on for several years in: newspapers, television, magazine and radio. My mix of the feelings comes from the aspect that we, the public, want to know what is going on when things like the bombings in Boston occur but you can tell that the news shows and news outlets love when things like this happens. I am as guilty as anyone in that I am currently watching CNN and I rarely watch this channel. Why do we always slow down to see a train wreck or a car accident? Is it just natural human curiosity? I have slowed down and gotten out to help people out of cars and called 911 at car accidents on a couple of occasions but I still slow down to gawk when the rescue people are already there. What is that about? I hope that, in me anyway, it is the feeling of wanting to help and making sure everything is under control before I leave and could have helped. In the case of this recent terrorism in Boston they are just telling us the same things over and over even though they tell us "we have new information for you..." but then they tell us the same old things they have been saying since yesterday. They just want us to stay tuned so they can sell more advertising - bottom line the news is a HUGE business. My heart goes out to all of the people who have lost loved ones or have suffered injuries during this attack. I know someone or some group will be caught as the culprits but then I often am not sure that we catch the correct people; sometimes I think our government just puts a face and name on our enemies so we can have closure and move on. I am not sure how I feel about that either. Now they are talking about the little eight-year-old boy, Martin, who died in the attack. I cannot imagine the sorrow that family must feel. How can people be so terrible? I am glad that there are so many more good people than bad people in the world. I am going to try to move-on with the blog with happy thoughts as usual... I really do like hearing Darth Vader's voice promoting CNN though.

One thing that I have noticed on watching this coverage really cracks me up. There have been more than just a couple of reporters that ask a question and when they are done and waiting for the person they are talking to or the person they are "throwing it back to" just begin shaking their head front and back like they are agreeing (saying yes) while looking like bobble heads when the other person hasn't even begun talking yet. How can you agree with what they are saying if they haven't said anything yet? Maybe it is a satellite uplink thing and they can hear what the person on the other end is saying before we do but sometimes they are standing next to one another. Another thing that I keep hearing is "at the end of the day..." I thought this idiotic phrase had run it's course (no Boston Marathon pun intended).

Tonight we record Dirty Laundry Podcast; I suppose we will touch on this horrible act a little - how can we not? Maybe we won't? We try to make the show so people have an hour to an hour-and-a-half to escape the miseries of everyday life. There are enough people talking about it already.

I mentioned yesterday briefly about me feeling not 100%. I now feel 120%. Isn't it funny how, when we are ailing and get better, we feel better than we have ever felt before? I wish I could remember how poorly I felt so I could use that to feel even better than great all the time. Do you think it was the codeine that helped? I will be back in a moment. I have to go get the remote control to change the channel; I am tired of hearing the same things over-and-over-and over-and-over-and-over-and -over... What ever happened to news breaks instead of show breaks? Now I am watching Tropic Thunder while finishing this blog - what a funny movie. How can it not be? Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Nick Nolte, Bill Hader, Christine Taylor, Jason Bateman, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jon Voight...

Now I heard that a major earthquake just hit Pakistan and Iran. I feel bad for the people there now too but, luckily for them, they still live in the dark ages electronically and won't have to watch 24-hours of only that. Don't worry though Iran and Pakistan the American media is surely on the way because they need tragedy to survive. I am pretty anti-news media right now it seems.

I found a funny video that just cracked me up. I will link it here if you want a giggle. It's Los Angeles Dodger Tony Gwynn Jr. dealing with a heckler during a game. I think I may add this to my Facebook page right after I get off of here too. There are always going to be idiots but it is how we handle the idiots that makes us who we are.

You may become a Tony Gwynn Jr. fan today
I think I had better get some laundry done and begin getting together some thoughts and ideas for the podcast. How come while I was down-and-out the world didn't stop too? Now am I even two days further behind than I was three days ago. I think that makes sense - it makes sense to me. I hope you have a great Tuesday afternoon and Tuesnight. Cha Cha and I may go out to eat tonight just because Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually our date nights (we are different than most in so many ways). I am thinking Tapa La Luna but we'll he what she thinks. We still have not tried the new Japanese steakhouse in town so maybe we will do that instead. If we do that before the show there will be another thing to blab about. Thanks a lot for stopping-in. Stay positive. Bad things are always going to happen. Focus on the good - it really pisses the bad off! TTTT...MITM (laundry time) TA!

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