Monday, April 22, 2013


Since I last blogged the only surviving Boston Marathon bomber has been apprehended. It seems very weird
to me that they wanted to catch him so badly so they could seek the death penalty. I don't really have a stance on the death penalty and it isn't a political statement that I think it is weird that the death penalty is being sought it's just ironic to me. I know the reason we wanted him caught alive so badly is that we are hoping to gain some information on his and his brother's motives and possible ties to terrorist cells or something but why would he tell us anything knowing that he is going to be executed anyway? No MATTer what he tells us most of us will not be able to understand why this senseless act occurred. I cannot imagine harming people randomly. I cannot understand doing something like this if it targets one person let alone an act that is meant to hurt innocent people including children and women. I am not sure why we find it worse to harm children and women but maybe that is sexist? I generally like women and children better than I like men so maybe I am just in the majority here. How many mass murderers have been women or children? Very few in comparison I am certain.

Today is Earth Day. I like Earth. I would say that it is my favorite planet. I know that isn't totally fair as I have never visited any of the other planets yet but to this point it is my favorite. Maybe that isn't the reason I love it the most. I live in DeKalb and DeKalb isn't my favorite city on Earth so why do I have to pick Earth as my favorite planet? Saturn seems pretty cool. When I say a cool planet I am not referring to average temperature on Saturn of -285 degrees Celsius. I like the rings. We should hold the Olympic Games on Saturn. They could figure out how to color the rings around Saturn. 

Is it a coincidence that Earth Day and 4/20 are the same week? If you are unaware 4/20 is the day that is like a national holiday for pot smokers. I am not gonna look it up so this is vague but it has something to do with some kids at a California high school who would get together every day at 4:20 PM to smoke pot. They called themselves (or maybe somebody else came up with the name) because they hung-out at the same wall when they torched-up. This year at a 4/20 party in Colorado three people were shot. So much for pot smokers being non-violent. Maybe they were fighting over a bag of Doritos. It makes sense that a pot festival would be held in Denver. 

I am sure we will talk about a lot of these same things when we record Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow night. It's difficult not to overlap from time-to-time. 

I am sure all of you, even those of you who do not live in the MIDDLEwest, are aware of the rain that and flooding we experienced this last week in the MIDDLE. Thank goodness that's over! What? It's not over? Forecasters are predicting more rain and snow coming tomorrow and Wednesday for the MIDDLEwest already. Great! The farmers obviously did the rain dances or whatever voodoo farmers do. They had a dry year last year so now they make corn husk dolls of all of us and throw us all in a giant bathtub and look what happens. I guess that means next year we should have lower food prices right? I predict that this year's food prices (veggies, meat...) as well as fuel will all be high and they we will forget about how low they used to be and they will not come back down. The other morning I was headed home form work and gas was $3.42/gallon. I had a half tank of fuel so decided to wait until the next day to top it off. The next day it was $3.75/gallon. BASTARDS! I realize even if I got 20 gallons that is only $6.60 but once a week would be $343.20 per year or about $10,296 I could pay toward my mortgage over the next thirty years. I guess that is a lot after all.

I just posted a picture that I found thought provoking on my Facebook page remarking on the gun debate and it sparked quite a heated discussion. That's why I am The Agitator I guess. I know what I believe and I respect what other people believe and I know I am probably not going to change people's minds but I like to poke the bear once in awhile. Bottom line is, and I have said it many times, nobody is saying people cannot have guns rather there should be restrictions on ammunition capacities and the whole criminal background check deal. I am not going to talk guns because you believe what you believe and I am going to believe what I believe and I wont change your mind and you won't change mine. It's just like Ohio Senator Rob Portman was against same-sex marriage... until his son announced he was gay. All of a sudden the clouds opened and his mind changed. We all have our own agenda and I am too apathetic sometimes. 

I am done. I probably made no sense to many and a lot of sense to some. I wish you well and hope everybody is nice to one another; is that really that difficult. I am a sucker most of the time I know but I like who I am and I won't change and I don't expect you to change. I believe the world, on Earth Day, is a better place because I can believe what I want to believe and you can believe what you want to believe. I BELIEVE! Thanks a lot for hanging-out, Have a great rest of your day and night. This is my Friday so I will probably blog tomorrow. TTTThen...MITM (out) SAYONARA! 

Sorry, I forgot to hit "publish" and went to the store. Salmon, potatoes and cilantro corn for dinner - needed a few things. I will publish now. TA!

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