Monday, April 8, 2013

Bumming Myself Out - I Am Getting Good At This

This morning was not an ordinary end to a day. Our dog, Maisy, has been with us since 16-year-old Fabio was about two-years-old. I remember the day we got her. I was at work and I met Cha Cha and Splenda and Fabio and our nieces Morgan and Emily at the pet store in St.Charles to see the candidate for the new member of our family. It had been a long arduous search as it was quite a high honor to become a member of our household and the decision could not be taken lightly. The yet to be named dog had received five out of five votes and even though, at this point, it was just a courtesy to make me feel like I was part of the decision I was asked to stop by and give my phologna bologna blessing. It was more just to make me unable to say "I told you so" had it not worked-out. Well, 14 years later we have an old lady dog who seems to have worked-out. I walked in the house this morning about 06:06 and did my usual morning rituals - clean the kitchen, get Fabio going for school, make his lunch for school (I wish he'd do hot lunch) and the other things I do that seem just routine. Everything is routine until you discover why you do it. I always check both of Maisy's beds to make re she is in one of them. This morning she was not in either of her beds. I didn't think much of it and figured she snuck upstairs where she is not supposed to go. I made Fabio's lunch and she didn't come looking to go outside so the search began. She was nowhere and I mentioned it to my slumbering housemates who got out of bed quicker they ever had before. The search began.We scoured  the house and the yard which extended to the neighborhood and neighborhood Facebook site and then to Cha Cha calling the police... Much, much longer story short I received a call from a lady in neighboring subdivision (ironically, the one we lived-in when we got Maisy) who asked if we lost a puppy because she had found her. I told the other two members of the search party who quickly jumped  in the car while I went to bed - my work was done. Maisy had been gone for about nine hours but now she is home - SLEEPING! Of course, it had to happen on the night of very heavy rains and winds. I continued to thing of the movie Snoopy, Come Home.

I bet we don't even talk about it on Dirty Laundry Podcast. I will not bring it up but if Cha Cha does we will talk about it. There was some guilt felt in the household for her disappearance so it may be TOO SOON, TOO SOON. Oh yeah, there is a podcast up there and we will record another tomorrow night.

I am watching the DVR of Mad Men. So far I am disappointed. I have about 1 1/2 hours of the show to go so maybe it will get better. Is irony that I watch a television show about an advertising agency and I fast-forward through the commercials. Maybe that's why there are Coca-Cola bottles sitting on people's desks and they discuss that they are driving Jaguars and stuff huh? I bet the whole idea for the show went something like this, "people aren't watching commercials anymore. How can we make people watch the commercials and charge even more to the advertisers?" Brilliant really. Too bad Bewitched or Bosom Buddies didn't think of that because they would probably still be in production if they had and Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari would still be making about the same amount of money.

That makes me think that I have been thinking a lot about the podcast lately. This is blog 833 and you are probably about one of four people who will read it. I think I need to focus on one topic and try to make money doing this. WWHDD (what would Henry Desmond do)? Newsflash Scolari and Hanks will work together again very soon. Your heard it here first. Any suggestions for a way for me to make money doing this so I don't have to leave my bed please let me know. If Hugh Hefner can do it why can't I?

I have managed to bum myself out somehow. I am just gonna end this now. Maybe Belushi should have written a blog. Talk at you tomorrow maybe. BYE! I didn't even TTTT you.

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