Monday, June 29, 2015

It's About Damn Time!

It's about damn time!
I used to start the blog with THIS SONG every day but I have not done that for quite some time. It has been playing on Pandora for me for the last few three or four days so, I assume, it is telling me something. So HERE IT IS just so the cosmos don't get angry with me; I need whomever/whatever I can on my side.

I am so happy to hear he The United States Supreme Court has ruled that same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states now. Idiot Justice Antonin Scalia said that this is a threat to democracy. I say it is exactly the opposite of that! This is the biggest Supreme Court ruling on marriage since 1967 when they decided interracial marriages were legal. It is such a novel idea to let people who love one another be together. There are days like these that I am proud to be an American. We still have a long way to go on many things but we are headed in the right (or left actually) direction. I am ready to go to a gay wedding if anybody is having one and isn't intimidated by my sexiness at their wedding. There is some moronic fundamental preacher that says he is going to light himself on fire because of the ruling. So, he is against gay marriage but breaking one of the top ten Commandments (thou shalt not kill) is better. He will smoke a turd in Hades (for those of you who believe in such a place).

Tomorrow is Fabio's graduation party. I will be so happy when it is over. I think this is the last party we are ever going to have. I further think that this is the ninth or tenth time I have said that. Cha Cha gets so worked-up when we have parties. Maybe it bothers her that I don't get worked-up enough. People are getting free drinks and food; I honestly don't think they are being that critical of your house and food... If they are tough titties. Go get some free food and drinks somewhere else then. I am not critical when I go to other people's houses. I am just happy that I am invited over; there aren't many people who trust me in their houses.

I go to see one of my neurologists in about and hour-and-a-half to get some news on one of my latest EEG's. I don't think that anything has changed. Cha Cha said I was making a lot of weird noises in my sleep last night. She also said my breathing was erratic. Maybe after my CPAP test/study Monday night I will be able to sleep through the nights with my new Darth Vader mask on.

I wrote those last three paragraphs three days ago. Fabio's graduation party made things have to change in a hurry. So, now it is Monday morning and I had better wrap this up. The party was a  real success in that it did not rain at all and a lot of nice people showed-up. It was great having friends and relative and neighbors come over. Life gets in the way of doing the things that should really be priorities.

Today I have lots to do.What else is going on? Both of my neurologists (a small part of my team of physicians) say that I am on hold for a couple of months. I guess that is good because I will be back from Europe by then. I do have my C-PAP study tonight to see if I can get some gear to help me sleep all night long. I really hope it is just oxygen with one of those little hoses rather than another NASA space helmets.

The backyard is pretty much back to normal from the party, Jeff is home for The Daisy Hill Puppy Farm (he loves it there), Splenda is gone back to school (sad - I like her here). I really haa a great time Saturday with friends and neighbors and family. It is kind of sad that we rarely see each other except for times like this. Maybe we should try to do stuff like this throughout the summer. Unfortunately, I am too lazy to make that happen. Thanks for stopping by/ TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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