Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Something Suddenly Came Up"

"something suddenly came up"
I am seriously considering becoming Jewish. I have to research it more but, I am investigating at this point. On a related MATTer - did I mention  that I HATE CHRISTMAS within the last few hours? Tomorrow night is our holiday party or awards banquet or whatever it is called at work. I signed-up saying that I was going but I believe when I go into work tonight I am going to rescind that declaration. I am hoping that the sign-up sheet is still there in the squad room and I can simply cross my name off but if I have to tell someone I will pull the old Marcia Brady "something suddenly came up." When I say "something" I am referring to my total hatred of this commercial farce. Nobody will ask why. I am not sure if anyone would even know that I wasn't there save for the few people who know me well. I don't know if I am up for an award but, if I am, they can say, "accepting for Matt In The Middle is..." I know I am getting a "safe driver award." That one seems kind of silly because our main focus is public safety so this one should be a given. I guess as much driving as we do in our jobs it is good to reward the people who don't get in any minor vehicular mishaps. So, getting back to my investigation, if you are Jewish and get credit for me signing-up let me know and I will say that you are my sponsor. I am also open to any other non-celebrating "religions."

My mom wants Christmas lists from all of us. I love that she wants to make sure that, if she is buying us something, it is not a waste of their time and money but, I really don't want anything. And, make no mistake, SHE IS BUYING US STUFF no matter what we say. If I don't have a list I will get stuff I don't want even more than not wanting anything so a list must be made (I don't know if that made sense). She is never really very open to just getting gift cards to restaurants or movie theaters or Menard's or Victoria Secrets... there is a red satin teddy that I know I would look great in. How about a stack of poker chips and a plane ticket to Vegas? I really don't want anything! I am one half century old now and, at this point, any "stuff" that I collect will just be more junk my kids will have to deal with when I die. I am fairly certain that day is closer than the anniversary of my birth! If I need something I buy it. I am trying to get rid of stuff. Goodwill loves us!
These racks are everywhere now - for a reason!
I know I keep ragging on this holiday season and I will try to stop. It was great when the kids younger. I am happy for people who still enjoy this stuff and hope you have a happy/merry/joyous/jolly whatever you celebrate. I will rarely try to try to convince someone that their ideals are wrong. Ideas, maybe. Ideals, probably not.

Do you suppose that today being the anniversary of the repeal of alcohol prohibition is a coincidence? What two things are coming up? The day when you have to spend with relatives and the day when you are trying to convince someone that they should spend the night with you because tomorrow is the start of a new year and resolutions. Alcohol comes in very handy this time of year. I guess it helps us stay warm too. Can you even imagine our lives if there was still prohibition? I can think of many good things and bad situations that would occur without alcohol. Those Hang Over films would be much more boring without alcohol in them. I am not a huge drinker. I could not have said that in college but, now I am definitely a social drinker. Working nights I don't really drink much when I get home from work. I have had Cheerios with beer and it just isn't the same. Rice Crispies do still snap, crackle and pop though. Moderation is the key to just about everything in life.

If you are one of the many, many people that I have played and/or have a  Words With Friends going with - I am no longer playing. I am not miffed or angry with anyone... I have just decided that playing that game is a great time-suck to me and I don't have a bunch of that left. If it were more interactive with the people I would probably reconsider but, it really is just the player and the computer. I like the people I play against and, if you want to stop by and play Scrabble and have some wine or a bloody mary or something now that prohibition has been repealed, I would love that. So, I have "resigned" from the games where it was my move and the others I will just let my time expire. Sorry if this causes you displeasure but 'tis the season. Knowing me, as I do, I will be back playing within a week or two.

I have a bunch of stuff to get done before I sleep so I can go freeze my bottom off at work tonight. Thanks a lot for letting me drone-on today. I cannot promise that it won't continue for another 20 days or so. The podcast should be up tomorrow. I am waiting for my co-host to have one free second to do a couple of quick bites with me. She is extremely busy at her paying gig and, it may come down to me just doing the beginnings and the ends alone this one time - we'll see.

TTTT (instead of me being at the awards dinner thingy)... MITM (blog hum blog)

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