Tuesday, December 17, 2013

On the Negative 8th Day of Christmas...

Tim from The Office (before there was a Jim in America)
I just heard on the news that this year is already the 33rd snowiest year to date. Damn, I thought it was the 31st snowiest. I guess that's why I'm not a weatherman.

Last night Cha Cha and I went so see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It was good most of the time. It was a little too long. The scene with the dragon carried-on a bit. I guess Peter Jackson (the director) must have figured that if he spent the much on CG (computer graphics) he was going to use them as much as possible. A couple of other things that distracted me were when Gandolf said that something was 300 miles away. I think the term "mile" has been around since like 1500 but, this story seems like it was way before 1500. I just checked and the only thing I could find is that the stories are set in a time "between the Dawn of Faerie and the Dominion of Men." Also, one of the trolls sounded an awful lot like Mrs. Doubtfire. Peter Jackson, doing what I call "pulling a Hitchcock," has a small cameo in his films. He was very wise to do it at the very beginning of the film so people aren't distracted trying to find the "Easter egg."

Speaking of things that are off-putting and confusing - the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready. It's the show we recorded on vacation location. I am not really sure that the sound is that great because we were out on a pier over a lake in the winter with the wind blowing. There were gunshots and cows and a lady with a saddle and a dog and lots of wind. And a horse. Did I mention the horse? It should be back to normal this next week. Winter usually means more guests so I would count on that.

I cannot believe Christmas is only eight days away. I don't know why I can't believe it I just can't. Is this the negative 8th day of Christmas or do the twelve days start before Christmas? Cha Cha is on her way to pick Splenda up in Champaign. Splenda can't come home for Christmas for some reason; I am assuming it's because of one or two or three of her jobs. I am on a "need to know" basis and apparently "my people" feel I don't need to know these details. My "need to know" status has nothing to do with me being important. It all stems from me being feeble-minded and I will forget anyway so they will just wait until I ask. Over and over and over again I will probably ask. With Splenda being home this week we are celebrating the holiday with my parents this coming weekend. We are going to Pheasant Run for some kind of holiday celebration thingy. I know I was told the details but, again, this falls under the "need to know clause (or Claus)" again. It should be a nice time. If not, I will forget that it sucked in a week or two anyway so, whatevs!

I have been lazy with my weight again and yesterday I started back on the road to thinness. I had, at one time, lost 84 pounds and now I have slowly found about 40 of those pounds again. I guess they came home for the holidays too. I am not saying that I gained the weight to work Christmas Eve (wink wink) but, have you ever seen Santa and me together? I know what needs to be done and, I have proven that I can do it so, here I go again. I didn't even have popcorn at the movie last night. Don't tell anybody but, I snuck (is snuck a word?) a bottle of water into the theater. It doesn't sound correct to say I sneaked a bottle of water in but, I am pretty sure that this is grammatically correct. Stupid but correct. When drinking the water I felt like a teenager sneaking a bottle of whiskey into the movies. It was water. It was free from my tap (other than the water bill that I pay to the city)and would have cost a couple of bucks at the theater. I wonder if they have ever tried to sell carrots or celery at the theaters? I know I have seen pickles at some theaters but, not for awhile.

I have a lot to get done before I sleep before going to work tonight. The slow time is upon us at work for a month. I prefer busy but, it is what it is. Thanks a lot for spending a few minutes in my feeble, hollow mind today. Check out the podcast. We are growing and growing (no fat jokes please) and, one day, you'll want to be able to say, "I listened to them when they were..." Have a great day and night and I may blog again tomorrow. It depends what my mind tells me to do. TTTT (94%)...MITM (off) TA!

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