Friday, December 20, 2013

I Am a Bumble - Finally it Makes Sense

It's Friday and, this week at least, it is Friday for me too; I took tomorrow off  from work. Splenda has been home from school for a couple of days and we are celebrating Christmas with my parents tomorrow (over the weekend). It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds. Then I will drive Splenda back to Champaign in a (predicted) blizzard on Sunday. Hopefully I will die on the way back home rather than on the way there because the world is a better place because she is in it. I have put in my time and I am certain that I am slowing the Earth's roll a bit. It kinda stinks that she is not going to be here for the actual holidays but, I am working anyway. It just stinks that she will be gone again. The holidays are just excuses both pro and con.

I think, after I drop Splenda off and drive back up here, provided I survive the journey, Cha Cha and I will record the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast. Why are Christmas colors the same as the colors of the Italian flag? Does the Vatican have something to do with that? I never really thought of it until I made that link Christmas colors there. This is religion's busy season too - nice play Catholics. I guess it was their busy season way before the retailers invented other things to share get their cut of the wealth. I bet the collection plates took a dip that year. I know I sound like a Scrooge but, I really am not. I love the Christmas Spirit and wish it would last all year long. I am glad we are finally at the point in our lives where it is not about the gifts and the money.

This year is a Christmas experiment of sorts. We limited gifts and decided to just spend time with one another. Knowing my mom, as I do, she will ignore the minimalist Christmas that we are trying to establish and go over the top. In her defense on this one, we are paying for their stay at the resort so, in a way, we are breaking the rules too. The package (see, it is a Christmas package) includes the hotel, dinner, a Christmas play, brunch... The best thing is that we will spend time together even if it is blizzarding out there. Bring on the "frightful" Mother Nature. The place where we are staying has one of those pools that you can swim under a glass wall from the indoor pool to the outdoor pool. We stayed at one of these in St. Louis in the winter once and it was fun. I am hoping for a blizzard while we are there so I can swim in a blizzard; I just added that to my bucket list. That's one thing on the list that just now started.

I am pretty stuffed-up. Seasonal allergies or the beginning of my punishment for being a humbug? Don't they always get punished in stories for not having the Christmas spirit until the end when they see the light? Maybe I will see the light and spray some sinus medicine up not nasal orifice.

I have to be done here now. I will probably take my computing devise with me on the "weekend" because I always wake up before everybody else and I can blog then. Have a great rest of your day and your night. Be safe if it gets blizzardy out. Blizzary keeps getting those red squiggles underneath it. So, I will trademark, copyright, patent pending that term right now. TTT (probably Sunday morning)...MITM bumbling out. TA!

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