Monday, December 9, 2013

Burn Me Up and Flush Me Down!

Yeah! I got to shovel snow last night for the first time this winter. I bet it won't the last. why did my people decide to settle in this part of the world?
Clyde Barrow's gravestone with Jameson and shotgun shells

I recorded the television movie (part one, at least) of Bonnie and Clyde. I guess it's on three different networks all at the same time. I chose The History Channel because then it seems more educational. I have always had a fascination with depression-era gangsters. When we went on our regular baseball park trip (this time to Texas) a couple of years ago we visited Bonnie and Clyde's graves. They are buried in separate cemeteries but how do you see one and not the other? I think I blogged about it back then. Clyde's was in a cemetery that was locked and had a sign that read "no trespassing..." So I thought to myself, "self, WWCBD?" (what would Clyde Barrow do?) I squeezed between the gate and the fence and saw where Clyde's grave was immediately. It was easy to spot because it was the one with the bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey and shotgun shells all over it. We also visited Lee Harvey Oswald's grave that trip. I am not sure why I have such an interest in gangsters. It seemed like most of them only killed people who were trying to stop them. Mostly! That doesn't make it right but, just like robbing the banks, it was mostly about survival. I am not sure that I would not have been a gangster had I lived in the times of The Great Depression or had tough times like these people. I keep waiting for a movie about George "Baby Face" Nelson. I am getting tired of waiting and may have to make that one myself. I should have done it earlier so I could have played him; I am too old now I think. 

I know I keep plugging the most recent load of Dirty Laundry Podcast but, I am very proud of this one. I am not sure why. I didn't really do anything other than find out about Magda Brown (the Holocaust survivor), contact The Holocaust Museum and Education Center and workout the details and go there and interview her and edit and upload the show. Compared to what Magda did, not even to mention that she did most of the talking on the show, I did very little. It's a great story and you really should hear it.

Bonnie and Clyde was pretty good. There were a lot of things that I didn't know but, there may be lies just to make the story more exciting. I guess that's all I care about anyway. Why should facts get in the way of a good story? I am not saying there were historical inaccuracies because I was not there. I am simply saying I just want a good story. By looking at the photo over there to the left I would say that there are already lies since the people playing B & C are much better looking that the real gangsters. While I watched I knew that there would be some ending that would entice me to watch the next, and final, installment. If I watched the two-hour show all the way to the end what makes them think I am not going to watch part two without their big cliffhanger? It would be cool if Gene Wilder were in this version too just as a cameo as a banker or something for giggles. Did I just say giggles? Hey, Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty were good looking too. We can handle the truth that not everybody is/was good looking. I face that fact every morning in the bathroom mirror - thanks for making me feel like I am the only hideous one! Maybe I wouldn't feel so ugly if some people in movies looked like they really should. Thank you The Walking Dead.

Now, on The History Channel, is a documentary about cemeteries appropriately entitled "Cemeteries." Ironic and "appropriate" since I just put that photo I took at Clyde Barrow's grave-site up there at the top of this blog?  I am recording this show and will watch it and probably blog about it tomorrow. I have always said that I want to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled into the ocean even though I am mesmerized by cemeteries. As far as I am concerned my ashes can be flushed down the toilet; they'll eventually reach the ocean or get evaporated up and rained down on everybody again one day. This blog can serve as one of my last wishes. I know I probably will have lots of wishes between now and my death but this is officially one of my wishes (entered on this date 12/9/2013 and witnessed by you who are now reading this). Just like everything, from what I have seen from this show so far, it just demonstrates what we all know - death is a HUGE business and there is money to be made by others. Flush me down and give what little I have to my family. 

I have lots to do so I have got to scoot. Have a/an (add your own adjective here) day. There's a lot of rough things going on in my part of The Middle right now. Don't worry, nothing desperate or dire just what we as humans face off-and-on all of our lives. I hope things are going better for you and yours. TTTT...MITM (out). TA! 

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