Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Are We Hypocrites? Duh!

I am really looking forward blogging these days. It's cheaper than most forms of therapy. I have never received any mental therapy but, I always hear how expensive therapy is. My therapy consists of eating too much or drinking too much or, the best of all, blogging too much. As far as you see I do not blog more than once a day but, sometimes, the blog you read today was started yesterday. I will type some and then type more the next day and, with the magic of blogging, it will appear as if it was all just written. This one is all being done today. Unless, of course, you read it tomorrow then it was written yesterday. If you read it Thursday it was written two days ago and so on and so on...

The newest load of Dirty Laundry Podcast (with holocaust survivor Magda Brown) is growing legs as we say in the podcast biz. The shows always have been a bit more popular when we have had guests. I never really thought about it until I looked at the numbers (downloads, views, plays...) but, what do people who live in Germany today think about the Holocaust? I am not really sure if I am supposed to capitalize the word "holocaust" but, when I refer to The Holocaust, I assume that it is a proper noun (the proper name of something in this case) and, by capitalization rules, should be capitalized, right? Anyway, as I digress as I often do. We have received more downloads in one single day (yesterday) from Bundesrepulik Deutschland (the Federal Republic of Germany). We have always received numbers from Germany but never like this in one week. There are things in America that we don't talk about very much and I assume that The Holocaust is one of those things in Germany.

In 1942, two months after Pearl Harbor was attacked, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which ordered all people in the USA of Japanese ancestry, both citizens and non-citizens, inland (outside of the Pacific military zone). There were centers that resembled concentration camps built to house these people (many of them as American as anyone with European ancestry). I bet not many people have even heard about that dark historical fact about The U.S. of A.. Sorry, I got off on one of my asides. So, that is probably similar to what The Holocaust is like in Germany - they don't talk about it and, they hope the memories die. Now, even though I was born in Germany, I am guessing that I am no longer welcome there. Maybe I need to get another passport; I will have my name on the passport recorded as Jason Bourne.

Holy crap is it cold today. I went out and fueled-up the 4Runner today and it was 6 degrees. I am not sure what it was with windchill. It's no big deal, we expect it here in the MIDDLEwest. It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. I just heard on the radio that there is a winter weather advisory for tonight. Guess who is on foot patrol outside for seven hours at work tonight and has two thumbs? This guy!

I watched part 2 of Bonnie and Clyde early this morning. I liked the movie but, I am not sure how much I believe of it. I believed it right up until the very end so, now I question everything I had previously believed. Yesterday, if you read the blog, you saw a photo of Clyde Barrow's grave-site and headstone that I took while in Texas (you can just scroll down if you didn't read yesterday's blog). At the very end of the film they showed a very large above-ground tombstone. His was a small headstone flat on the ground. Did they not get permission to film the real headstone? Were they afraid to climb the fence or squeeze through the fence like I did? Couldn't they, at the very least, have recreated the actual headstone?

I know I was going to talk about that Modern Marvels show about cemeteries but, that will have to wait until tomorrow now because, I went off on a different tangent. I have not watched that show yet anyway so, it would be tough to talk about it. The little I did see of it was very interesting and reinforced many of my thoughts. We always like things that reinforce our beliefs and thoughts don't we? Speaking of beliefs - I belief believe that it's time to end.

Thanks a lot for stopping by again. If you could help make the latest version of Dirty Laundry Podcast go viral I would be ever more grateful. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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