Friday, December 13, 2013

Death Becomes Me!

If you have hoped to get rid of me I am sorry to disappoint. I just saw that this is 938th blog so, pretty much no MATTer what happens, I would say I have to stick it out to reach the 1000 mark wouldn't you say? If I should die before I reach that blogging milestone can somebody please hide my body and write for how ever many more blogs I need at to make this goal. I feel that is pretty much what will tip me in for the Blogging Hall of Fame. It isn't always about quality. The voting members on the HOF committee are impressed by accomplishments but, longevity is a huge thing too. They figure if you have been resilient enough to last that long you must have had at least one or two decent blogs. Let's hope the committee doesn't read the blog before they vote. Okay, if I die write a few good blogs - not like the ones that I write- and maybe they will just read the ones you wrote and then think that maybe they were all good and I will still get in the HOF. What else do I have to put on my Tombstone? I don't eat pepperoni or sausage.

I haven't gotten the Thanksgiving Dirty Laundry Podcast show up yet. It is pretty much ready but, we seem to actually be making a difference in peoples' hearts and their minds right now with the show about Holocaust survivor Magda Brown. The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center even linked the podcast on their website and tweeted the link to the show. One of my great hopes in life is that I can help, even if in a very small way, make the world a better place than when I got here. My time is running out; this may be my only chance. I really hope it's for altruistic reasons and not just to feed my ego. My heart is actually much bigger than my ego believe it or not.

I still have not found the time to watch that Modern Marvels episode on cemeteries. For the merriest time of the year it sure is darn busy. I was reminded that I was going to watch that and blog about it when I started today's blog  (pretty obvious how I reminded myself of that when I started today's blog). I will get to it sooner but, later.

Starting tonight or tomorrow my work is coming into one of our very slow seasons. We will be slow now for about a month. The week of Christmas we are even cutting our staff by 75% (just for that week). All of these days are paid holidays so, if you don't work you still get paid your regular pay. For the days that we get paid holiday pay they still need a few people to work and I volunteered. I got all of the days that I volunteered to work approved. My kids are older and I am a humbug these days anyway so, I will work. I think it's nice to let people who enjoy this season and have small children have a nice holiday (my hypocrisy only goes so far). Even if I am not very fond of most of my lazy co-workers it's not their families' faults that they suck. And you wonder why state workers get bad reputations. I, and a some of my co-workers, will not sink to their levels so, you cannot put that reputation on us. I am just taking the regular pay and then taking six days of "comp time." That means I don't take the extra pay rather just put those hours in a "bank" and use them as vacation days later. I will probably use them over the summer for a family vacation when we are slow at work for several months. I would rather work the days we are busier anyway. It's like pulling-off a bandage.

I am gonna wrap this up. I don't know if I will blog over the weekend. I will get the new show up by EOD (end of day) Sunday. Have a great weekend. Mine is only two days away(woohoo). Thanks a lot for hangin' your hat for a bit; it's nice that you did. Have a great rest of your day. TTT?...MITM (headed to the happy hunting ground - just in case) TA!

P.S. - does anyone want a 7-month-old Border Collie? He'd make a great Christmas gift.

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