Friday, September 27, 2013


It's Friday or, as we in the business call it, Thursday. Yesterday was a super long day. I got off from work at 06:00 (that is just slang because I haven't gotten off from work since I was a fluffer in the adult film industry - yes, ladies need fluffing too) and then had to be in Darien for a 09:00 Union Stewards Training class. I am the vice president and I went with our shop steward. I still am wondering why our president didn't want to attend. I am sure it was because we worked all night and then spent eight hours at the class and then headed back home in Chicago rush-hour traffic. Then I had to be back at work at 22:00. I ended up getting three hours of sleep for about 33 hours. After all of that I only got six hours of sleep today. And, when I got to work last night, three people had called in sick so I had to do multiple things at work. In a way they did me a favor so I remained very busy for the entire shift so didn't get too sleepy. Our job is one that everything needs to be done every night. If someone doesn't show it falls on the ones there to do the work. This is one of the things I dislike about Unions - these slackers are protected. Maybe they elected the wrong guy V.P. huh? Most jobs have things that can wait but, when it comes to public safety, nothing can wait - safety has to be 100% 100% of the time. Good thing we had most of our good employees working last night. So, now I am starting to feel sick. I wish I could be like some of these people some of the time. No I don't.

Some people run out of sick time and are "in deduct." How can you take time that you don't have? I would say that, if you don't have the hours to take off and you don't have them in the bank, you don't get paid. I have almost 200 hours of sick hours in "the bank." I could be sick for over a month and get paid. And, if I wanted to be sick longer I guess I could just borrow from future hours. I wonder if there were a program that people got a bonus at the end of the year for unused sick time they would be healthier? If you're sick you're sick but, I know better in many of these cases. I don't know but I know, you know?

It wasn't quite this blatant
The seminar was really good and I am happy I went. I have a whole new understanding of what I am doing. Yes, I realize that it was pretty much a commercial put on by the Union and their twelve lawyers (they seriously had like twelve lawyers as speakers throughout the day) but, it was very informative. There were probably 100 - 150 people there. It was at a country club and I kept hoping that someone would stop in and try to rob the place. Pretty much everybody at the seminar was openly carrying weapons and a crook would have ended up having a REALLY BAD DAY!

Splenda comes home tonight for the weekend. That always makes me really happy. Cha Cha is driving down to Champaign to pick her up in a couple of hours. It's been a long time since she has been home. It's hard for her to get away with going to school full-time and working three part-time jobs. She is a great person. As long as I have great kids I know I will never be seen as a failure - thanks for that kids.

I am going to try to get some sleep before work to see if I can feel a little better before work. Listen to Dirty Laundry Podcast please - you thought I'd forget to whore myself out didn't you? Once a fluffer always a fluffer.

I probably won't get to blog again until Sunday or Monday. Splenda will be here and my dad just had knee surgery so I will have to get over and see him this weekend too. Have a great Frinight, Saturday and Saturnight. Thank you for reading and listening. TTT SU or M...MITM (cough zzz cough zzz) TA!

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