Thursday, February 11, 2016

...Then It's Time To Change!

When it's time to change then it's time to change (you've got to rearrange)
It is such an odd feeling to be home again. I came home yesterday afternoon after my brother had arrived from Hawaii to cover my shift for the next week. Since dad is home now the only things he will really need to do is take him to his appointments. Many times, however, nurses are coming to visit him. I will probably drive over every other day and see how dad is doing. I cannot believe how well he has been recovering from such a major ordeal (triple by-pass surgery). I do not think he is just being strong for the rest of us either. I truly can see how he is so strong mentally and physically that this is just like stubbing a toe would be for many of us.

Spending the past 17 days with him at the hospital and sleeping in my childhood bed has brought many changes on in me. I will not go into specifics but I have become aware of many things about myself that I would, and do, find very annoying in myself and others. I have changed many of these things within myself over the past week and I will continue to curb these bad habits until they are no longer habits and are completely gone. I know that will take time and I will slip-back once in awhile but I will overcome these traits despite them being part of my DNA for awhile now. So, if you have found me annoying at times give me another chance in a few months and maybe you will like the new me better than the old me.

I hope that Jill and I can record a new podcast this coming weekend. I was surprised, when I visited a dear friend from the past for an hour or so last week, that she listens to the podcast. She asked, "when are you going to do another podcast?" I never really know who reads the blog or listens to our show unless they send us a message or comment on the interwebnet or something.
 Maybe in about seven years or so?! Right before I die 

I managed to get away for about an hour on Tuesday after dad got out of the hospital and was safely at home; I went to weigh-in. I had lost 1.4 pounds the prior week and and was not very hopeful this week with being at the hospital most of the time. But, happily I lost another 4.4 pounds this week even without not being able to do much working out. I did find a little time to run on a treadmill and ride a stationary bike so I have been getting some exercise. So far, since December 29th I have lost 21.4 pounds. I am pretty pleased with that, that in nine weeks, I lost that much. That is an average of almost 2.5 pounds per week. That seems like a healthy pace and doable for the foreseeable future. I have a long way to go to be where I want to be but I love salads, I love most vegetables, I love grilled chicken breasts, I love giardiniera, I love all fruits, I love hard-boiled eggs and I love being thinner so, given those many loves, I an in a zone right now.

I slept really well last night; there truly is nothing like sleeping in one's own bed. I had a few nightmares last week and I seldom, if ever, have nightmares; even remembering my dreams was a thing of the past for many years. I love to dream. I have even recently had dreams where I was still asleep and in the dream, but realized I was dreaming, and was able to change the direction of my dream. I have tried to do that on purpose before but was never able to do it. I hope I can keep doing that because it is pretty cool. The dream managed to take over again but, just knowing that I can control my subconscious, that will make me continue to try.
What Dreams May Come

There is one thing really odd or strange or eerie or creepy or psychic... about one of my dreams from last week. I have told no one (not even Cha Cha) about this and I will talk about it on Dirty Laundry Podcast when we record the new show. I would say that it was, perhaps, foreseeing or willing or coincidencing (not really a word)... something to happen. For some reason, when I awoke, I even wrote about this before the part that was attached to it in the physical world occurred. I always keep a pen and paper by me when I sleep; it's a habit I have had since I was young. A writer writes, always!

Okay, I have some things that I am behind-on here at the house. Things don't stop just because we are not around. Thanks for hanging in here for me. I will try to write more again. The hospital WiFi was spotty, my parents' house does not have anything resembling WiFi, my mobile hot spot was spotty so I was kind of Amish for a bit more that a week. Thank you for all of the positive energy that you sent my dad's way for that time - you really helped, if nothing else, my spirits so I could stay strong for him. Man, this has to be one of the sappiest blogs I have written in a long time.

TTTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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