Monday, February 15, 2016

Politics, Religion and Guns, Oh My!

Happy Great Emancipator Day! Abraham Lincoln, to me, is one of the greatest, actually, the greatest, American Presidents of all time and that is not just because I live in The Land of Lincoln (Illinois). Yes, my favorite President of all time was a Republican but I get the business all the time for stating my opinion about Republicans. He must be a lot of people's favorite because he is on: the penny, the $5 bill and Mount Rushmore to name a few. I do not consider myself a Democrat or a Republican; I call myself an American and I take a man and woman and all beings at their words (and actions) and weigh their views on certain topics separately and make decisions based on those ideals. My greatest problem is that I think too much when I shovel snow and then I feel I have to blog about this stuff so I can let it go. There are two topics that I tend to get in trouble on because I KNOW the people who are on the other side are wrong just as they KNOW that I am wrong. But, they are wrong about me being wrong so, they are wrong about more things. I am not always right, and I know that too, but I am always right on these two topics. My father and I have polar opposite political views and I just let him be wrong and I still love him and will and would do anything for him. I listen quietly and just let it go. Being different is what America is partially about and it is one of our inalienable rights ("the right to practice religion, equal protection of laws and the freedom of blog speech").

Fun fact - President Franklin Pierce (U.S. Prez #14 - two before Lincoln) did not place his hand on The Bible when taking his oath of office. He placed his hand on a law book instead.

I have another strong opinion about something that is not quite as controversial if you didn't stop reading after I, possibly, offended you in that first paragraph. I think blacktop/asphalt driveways are better than concrete driveways. When I was looking out for my parents last week I shoveled their driveway the day it snowed. They have a concrete driveway and many of the areas have heaved so, as I would get to a control joint (those little joints between the squares that are supposed to take the cracks so the flat-work itself doesn't crack) and, occasionally, some of the concrete would be higher than other parts and the shovel would be stopped in its snow-tracks. We have an asphalt driveway up in this hizzie and the only problem where I had any issues like this was on the service walk (the concrete sidewalk leading from the asphalt driveway to the front door) and the city walk (the sidewalk that that runs in front each house, which is concrete) that crosses our asphalted driveway. I am sure concrete was the way everything began because of racist reasons but BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL and BLACK DON'T CRACK!  Okay, it cracks but it doesn't heave like white/beige concrete does.
Perhaps I am Cha Cha's cross to bear?

Cha Cha thought she would have been done working on the stuff for her national sales meeting last night by 17:30 but, here it is 10:00 the next morning and she is still working on the video presentations and introductions and sales tools and whatever she is putting-together to make other people look good. She is one of the hardest working, most conscientious people I have ever known. I am so fortunate that she was willing to marry below her station in life. She has made me a better person too and I know that it has not been easy and she still needs to give me some tune-ups here-and-there from time-to-time. I will always be a work in progress.

It is funny that, being a member of the MTV generation or Gen-X or whatever the Hell label they want to put on me I am skeptical of just about anything the media and politicians tell us. I am convinced that everything we are told by, so-called, experts is meant to scare us or get our money... The latest thing that I heard is that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is warning that ISIS/ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) will try to attack the United States. That's news or a surprise So, should I buy a heat-seeking missile launcher? Should I not leave my house? Should I start digging for a bomb shelter in my back yard (concrete, not asphalt on that one)? I am always vigilant in public. I am aware of my surroundings, I know where exits and escape routes are, I always have a loaded TEC-DC9 with a 32-round magazine and several extra clips on my person (okay, that one is a lie as I do not always have extra clips with me). I really do watch people and suspect anybody of anything but that probably comes from my work training. No, actually I have always been like that from watching cop shows and war movies and such I suppose. I have a pretty active imagination and most the activity involves threats and defending myself and others.

Man, did I ramble-on and aggravate some people today or what? I should end now while I am behind. I appreciate you stopping-in and letting me wax moronic or poetic depending on your point-of-view. I think I am going to go have a salad as I do every single day of my life at least once a day but many times three times a day. Yesterday, since it was Valentine's Day and Jill and I went out to eat, I also had grilled salmon along with some steamed broccoli and the salad bar. I really know how to live don't I? Enjoy the rest of your Honest Abe Day and stay warm. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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