Friday, February 19, 2016

Oh Bother, It is a Blustery Day!

Yukon Cornelius had wheels on his sled today though
It is February 19th and it is 52 degrees Fahrenheit in this part of Illinois. The only snow anywhere is the areas that the plows made ten-foot high mountains from the last snow we got when my brother brought it here from Hawaii last week. There are streams, however, running from these hills. I am glad my brother took the snow back with him when he left. They pretend that they have white sand beaches in Hawaii but I am fairly certain I now know the truth. It is warm snow though, as I recall, from when we visited.

Some of the neighbors here have received some home damage from the high winds today. A house a few down from ours on the other side of the sac had some soffit and facia torn off of their house. And, of course, today is our refuse pick-up day so our wheeled garbage bins were out on the curb (and emptied already, thank goodness) when the winds came. I put our regular bin and our recycle bin in our garage so we would not lose them. I will move them back outside if the winds ever die down again. We had our neighbor across the street's (Lisa and Brian) regular bin in our driveway. I did not know whose it was and the neighbor who lives next to them told me it was theirs so I rolled it across the sac and put it next to their house up by the garage so it would not blow away. I may put our address on ours in case this happens again and our's are taken away by a twister or something. But, if they cause damage are we responsible for that damage? Hmmmm. I always want to borrow trouble; not own it - just borrow it.

I was greatly saddened that Nelle Harper Lee (Harper Lee). She wrote one of my favorite books of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird (the early version was originally entitled Go Set A Watchman which did get published in . The movie is fantastic as well. Supposedly, the character Scout in that book is based on her. Dill was based on childhood friend and summer  next door neighbor Truman Capote - another of my favorite writers of all time ( my fave of his is In Cold Blood). Atticus, of course, was based on her real-life father who was a lawyer that defended two black men who were accused and tried for murder. They were found guilty and mutilated and hanged. After that her father never tired another case. Who would have thought that two young black men couldn't get a fair trial in Alabama in 1919? Did your hand shoot up as quickly as mine?

It looks like, barring no more unscheduled emergencies, Cha Cha and I will record the next Load of  Dirty Laundry Podcast   on Sunday. If all goes as planned, I will edit the show on Monday and have it uploaded on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. We have lots to talk about and we are trying to keep the show at an hour or less. I still have not decided if I will take that USC blog survey and we may talk about that as well. The academy Awards are not until February 28th so, I am guessing, we will talk about the four or five up for Best Picture we saw and maybe make some predictions? That sounds like something we would do. If you have anything you think we should talk about let me or Cha Cha know tonight or tomorrow. I suppose we will talk about seeing Creedence too. We sound so much more fun than we really are though we are semi-fun most some of the time.

Jill just came into the Tiki Room and we are now watching a Netflix original animate series called F is for Family. It has been on for about two minutes and I have laughed ten times already. It is definitely an adult show. I should probably end now so I can watch this show as there is supposed to be a test at the end of the show. I will probably not blog tomorrow though the CCR show is not until tomorrow night so, there is a blog possibility. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you are anchored-in and hunkered-down if you're in this MIDDLE part of the Mid-windwest. TTTT or Sunday or Monday... MITM (out) Hey, an old lady on a bicycle just flew past the window. TA!

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