Saturday, February 20, 2016

I'll Write a Blog You Can't Refuse

Makes sense it was on April first since it was FOOLISH (at the least)
Yesterday was the anniversary of one of the most disgraceful times in our country's history (we have had many as have had several countries). It was the anniversary (from 1942) of President Franklin Roosevelt signing and issuing Executive Order 9066 which authorized the Secretary of War to allocated certain areas as military zones providing the "evacuation" of Japanese Americans to Internment Camps. Over 120,000 men, women, and children were relocated from the West Coast to these Concentration Camps (I think they can be called but that was already being used by another hateful group) throughout The U.S.. It wasn't until the Emancipation Proclamation - no wait that is a different time when we didn't like people here and abused them just because they looked differently and thought differently than the "majority" that were mostly descended from immigrants themselves. I, for one, love the diversity of the U. S. and A. and I believe that is one of the things that makes this country so special. I know there are still many people who believe quite differently than I do and, sadly, many of them call themselves good Christians. If Jesus were alive during any of these horrific times I believe he would have been opposed to these acts of abuse and murder and hatred as well as many other atrocities that have occurred since his death. Ironically, Jesus was murdered because he thought differently than others and the way he lived his life was not the way most others lived. Now we hear all of the rhetoric about sending immigrants "back to where they came from" and not letting them into our country. Where did your people come from? Where did my people come from? I am told that my family has Native American lineage attached to my DNA but I also, supposedly, have German DNA and Irish DNA and Bohemian DNA and probably many other DNA make-up in me. I think my family would have been locked-up during World War II if German people could easily have been recognized as looking different than others. History is supposed to teach us and help us grow but the current political campaign stumping makes me worry that we are slipping backwards philosophically and humanistically (if that is a word). I am going to stop here because if I keep going into the Equal Rights Act (ERA) and how women, who look different from the Founding FATHERS (not  founding MOTHERS), kept them down for far longer. I agree that the white man has been most of the problem with the strife in the World since the beginning and, if it makes a difference, I apologize for that.
"Consigliere just like old times" (Tom Hagen to Domonic Corleone)

Man, that last really long paragraph took a lot out of me. I guess I despise racism and sexism even more than I knew so I had better find a rosier topic.

My Consigliere, Eddie Z, has affirmed my thoughts about not responding to that message I wrote about here a few days ago from USC regarding taking the survey about this blog. Ed has "directed" me off-and-on (when called-upon with an offer that he cannot refuse) since I was a youngster and it seems appropriate that I accept his council these many years later. It is also easy to accept someone's advise when they agree with, and affirm, one's own thoughts. We all like to hear that we are correct though I hear it very rarely because many people are wrong most of the time (as am I). Thanks for reading the blog and for weighing-in Ed!

Tonight Jill and I are going to see CCR in concert. I also think that we will record another Load of Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow. I am looking forward to both the podcast and the concert tonight. I may have to take a nap this afternoon just to harness all of my excitement. But, just like waiting for Santa to arrive on Christmas Eve, I would probably not be able to sleep.

I just started wondering if the next U.S. President could decide to try to stop a woman from being on the new U.S. $10 bills in 2020? I would not put that past some of the people currently running for President. That would be a travesty in my opinion and, there I go thinking and borrowing trouble again. I also heard that there are people that are saying we should get rid of the $100 bill because that would make it more difficult for drug traffickers and the like to store their pallets of money because they would have to have larger areas to store more skids of smaller denominations which would make them stop trafficking drugs. That is ridiculous. I am sure they would just switch to debit cards or bitcoins if they haven't already done that. I know they prefer cash for the lack of a paper-trail but I imagine they are way ahead on those trivial things by now.
Bitcoins take up very little space!
I need to get going. I am hungry and, ironically, if you don't eat you cannot continue to lose weight. That does not make sense to me and, yet, that makes perfect sense to me. If your body slows down and stores food because it thinks it is starving you cannot keep dropping the LBs. Stupid body and brain! I hope to get a run in before we go to the concert tonight too. Thanks a lot for stopping by and enjoy the 50+ degree temperature here in the MIDDLEwest today if you live here in the MIDDLE. TTTM (probably/maybe) since we will be recording the show tomorrow. Also, don't worry if I don't blog until Tuesday because Monday will be Dirty Laundry editing and posting day - hobbies are never completely free are they? TA!

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