Friday, February 5, 2016


Do I have to do everything myself???!!!
This morning, while on the way back to the hospital here with my mom to visit my dad, Hotel California came on the terrestrial radio. It made me think about this whole situation that he/we are going through. I know that song is, supposedly, about time spent in a drug rehab clinic but it translates very well to time in hospital waiting rooms and the ICU (intensive care unit) and every other place spent in a hospital. I took my mom home a bit ago as she can only take this situation for a short time. I am kind of relieved that she does not completely grasp what is going on because I believe that would lead to further distress all-around. I will let her do the things that she believes she needs to do and then, in a few hours, I have, once again, been reminded to LIVE FOR TODAY! I guess parents, in one way or another, never stop teaching their children. At least human parents anyway.

Through all of, what felt like, this turbulent storm I have felt kind of like a ship being tossed-about in the MIDDLE of the ocean. I would go whichever way the winds would carry me. Many time I felt as though I might capsize or take-on water but, though all of the violent storm my wonderful and wise shipmate for life, Jill (Cha Cha) was the North Star helping me to know which way to steer and allowing me to right the ship before I capsized. I suppose, in many ways, we have been that guiding light in the sky for one another many times over the years.

One of the things that I like about this hospital is they genuinely seem compassionate here. I know most hospitals do feel that to a certain extent but I have notices, what I assume, is a homeless man in once of the ICU family waiting rooms. The rooms are fairly nice with a television and some couches and tables... I have seen him in there every day for the past three days/nights. They require everyone to wear new badges every day with the day's date and the room/area that you are visiting. My current badge reads. "ICU-157 2/5/16." I see that he has a badge but I have not bothered to try to see. I like to have the story on my head that the hospital gives him a badge that reads "ICU Family Waiting Room" so he can sleep there and be warm. If I knew he were in need I would buy him a lunch or a dinner but I don't want to embarrass anyone by mistake. I don't mind doing it, on occasion, on purpose if someone needs, in my warped opinion, a dressing-down. This appears to be a religious hospital as here is a daily prayer said over the loud speaker in many parts of the hospital. I like the parts of religion that actually helps the under-privileged, the poor, the hungry, the children and being in some sort of crisis. I just don't believe in some of the other mumbo-jumbo and politics of many religions.
My two greatest creations!!!

Today is Splenda's birthday - exactly two week's after Fabio's (though five years later). I know I have probably written it here before but - is it odd that our two children's birthday we just about nine months after our anniversary date of April 30th? Methinks it is no a coincidence. Anniversaries are about love and what better love is there than for the love of our children? And cats, in my mom's eyes.

Okay, I can probably head back to his room now; I had to leave while they removed his tube and many wires. I will be excited to actually speak with him again even though we have had plenty of half-verbal discussions. Last night, when Cha Cha left to go home she told my dad, "I love you dad." And hi, being who he is tried to say it back to her with the tubes in his mouth, We both saw, by his tongue movement exactly what he was saying.

Okay, I am heading back down to ICU and, hopefully when I blog tomorrow or whenever, I will have goon things to report. I also hope my good friend Ma Meyer is recovering nicely from her recent similar work.

Thank you for stopping by; I really appreciate you allowing me an outlet to relieve many of my stresses and aggravations; it is very ultradocious of you. TTT?...MITM - out) TA!

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