Friday, February 12, 2016

My Day of Public Service

I have no idea how long it has been since I blogged two days in a row until today. I could scroll down and find out the answer to that puzzle but it isn't really that important. It is wonderful to be back home (mainly because it means that my dad is at his home too and doing well). I am still so tired from not getting enough sleep over the past couple of weeks. I slept very well the night I came home (Wednesday, I think) and then, yesterday, I fell asleep for... I am not sure how long but for... at least an hour. Last night I slept like a baby again (minus the waking every hour crying and wanting to be fed). I believe this is why I was having the passing-out issues last year; I do not believe they were seizures as doctors diagnosed. I believe I was sleep deprived and was having narcolepsy attacks.

I had to stop writing because my dad just called. Everything is going well and he just wanted to update me and let me know when his doctor's appointments are. My brother is there until Wednesday so I am back on-deck for his dad's Thursday appointment next week and all thereafter until he is cleared to drive himself. That will probably not be for a month or two. Marc and mom are out shopping now so we could speak candidly about all of the things going on over there. I will have to get over there again before next Wednesday so I can see my brother before he heads back to Hawaii.
I'll just rub some dirt on it
This morning I was able to hoof three miles. I wanted to do more but my right foot (pinky toe to be more precise) began to hurt a bit. My left foot hurt by the base of my stub but that is expected every time I walk a lot or run and I always just push through that discomfort. Of the total three miles I did I sprinted off-and-on for about 1/3rd of that three miles. I broke the sprints up into five or six separate bursts to get my heart-rate elevated and then let it slow back down again before I cranked it up again. Kind of like revving my engine/throttle I suppose. I will probably ride the stationary bike in the basement this evening for five or six miles and finish watching the DVD that I have been watching the last couple of times I was working-out down there. I hope I can keep this motivation level up for... forever I guess.

Jill has been working her butt off for the past week. Her company is having their national sales meeting next week and, it appears, that she is producing almost all of the videos (from beginning to end) for the entire convention. Sometimes it seems to suck to be as talented as she is; I am happy to be Matt In The Middle most of the time. I feel so sorry for her; she is going to "have seizures" like I did if this keeps-up. Fortunately, she has light at the end of the tunnel but the light is still about one-quarter of the way lit until she reaches full sunshine. It sounds like she is playing a big part in introducing (or producing the introduction for...) the President or CEO or CFO or whatever he is; I know his name but I am not exactly sure what title he holds. Jill showed me a few of the videos that she has produced and I don't think you'd see any better productions and/or graphic on any news show or political debate or Superbowl or anything else in the media. She is uber-talented! I am very proud of her and fortunate to be hitched to her buggy.
I wish I could have included this handy photo to demonstrate

Though, as I mentioned here yesterday I think, I am working on some of my internal issues I did have a little hiccup/set-back today. One of my pet peeves that I am trying to overlook is I really do not like when people do not use their turn signals. Today, while doing some grocery shopping after my work-out, I was following a car that did not use turn signals, neither right nor left, for at least three of four miles when he should have used them no less than eight times. I am glad I did not have my citation book with me because I probably would have written a ticket which would have been a waste of time anyway. So, we ended-up going to the same place and I parked. I wrote a note and put on his windshield under the driver side. It read, "I just thought I would let you know that your turn signals seem to be malfunctioning. Either that or you are unaware of how to use them. There is a little lever behind your steering wheel on the left hand side. Push it down to illuminate the left turn signal and push it up to utilize the right indicator light. Hope this helps." I was able to let it go after that and was happy that he can now get his turn signals fixed before he cause an accident. We need smart, considerate people like this as members of our society.

I have lots more on my mind and in the notes I took earlier today but that will give me something to write about tomorrow. I doubt that we will record a new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast this weekend because Cha Cha will be working all weekend on the sales convention and, if she does get everything done she will need to get some well-deserved shut-eye. I know I keep dangling that fish out there but life does get in the way of our hobbies now and again doesn't it?

Thank you so much for stopping by; I really appreciate you and the opportunity to get stuff off my mind now-and-again. Have a great rest of your day and I am fairly certain I can blog tomorrow (Valentine's Day Eve). TTTT (87%)...MITH (out) TA!

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