Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Lille Blog-Winded Today (sorry)

 You knew I would investigate didn't you? 
When I woke this morning I turned on the television to listen to while I brushed my teeth... I saw that Dances With Wolves was on so I turned on SundanceTV, formerly known as Sundance Channel. Dances With Wolves is one of my top five films of all time - perhaps even number one. I believe I liked Sundance a lot more when Robert Redford (The Sundance Kid) still owned it. I knew immediately that the the movie was sped-up slightly. I have a knack for sounds and voices (we all have to have at least one talent) and I noticed that all of the characters and the background music... was sped up just a scosh or a smidgen. I instantly knew why this was being done and, when the next commercial came on and the sound for that was not sped-up I knew that the movie was sped-up so they could squeeze an extra commercial or two in every hour of programming. So, I turned the television off; I have the DVD and if I want to watch the film I can do that on my own time without being manipulated. It irritates me that we now pay for television and they still find ways to mess with us. I would prefer product placements into shows like Better Call Saul and other clever shows that have been doing that lately. A lot of shows are doing that now and, as long as it doesn't take away from the story line, I am fine with that. In fact, I think it is pretty clever. I imagine there are people that are bothered by it though.

I have spent most of the morning, so far, looking for a new job. I have one interview set for Monday and I hope to have several others set-up by tomorrow. I like my current job but I CANNOT work the graveyard shift any longer. They call it the graveyard shift because it will, eventually, kill you. My doctor told me that he will not release me to work overnights because it would, literally. probably kill me. We all have to die of something but I want to die a more dramatic death than having my headstone read: "Here lies Matt Helser. He died because he worked the aptly-named graveyard shift!" I would prefer a shark attack or saving baby penguins from a polar bear or rushing into a fire to help a family escape... I have lived long enough but I don't want to go out like a marshmallow (though getting roasted like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man having the proton pack streams crossed would be memorable). I will find something soon but it has to be more than I am getting paid from my medical leave checks or that makes no sense either. Life is always interesting for all of us in one way or another.
Is that enough shrimp and lobster claws or what?

I am going to finally edit the new Load of Dirty Laundry Podcast this afternoon. Yesterday was kind of  hectic and this afternoon seems like it is doable. One of the things that took part of my day yesterday was going to weigh-in, I lost another 2.0 pounds this past week. After my lowest weight-loss week the previous week (0.2) I kind of thought my body was fighting back and trying to stay fat; I was happy that it was just a speed bump. That makes 24 pounds lost this year so far. If I keep this rate up I should be almost invisible by December. It should at least mean being down 100, optimistically, by the time we go to Las Vegas. Skinnier is better in the desert even if it is a dry heat. Then I can gain some back with the free drinks while gambling and the biggest buffets in the world. Maybe I will find some homeless people out there and treat them to some all-they-can eat.

I just heard that there have been some heavy snowstorms that came through parts of the MIDDLEwest today. Midway and O'Hare airports had to cancel more than 1,000 flights. The snow went all the way down to central Illinois but my part of the MIDDLEwest has nothing. We can still see the grass. I suppose it is lake-effect snow. It must be colder because Jeff's muddy paws that I have showered-off every night for the last three are still clean. I know the thaw will come and I will be washin' paws some more but I like the break.

I am so tired of all of this waste-of-time campaigning and debating in the Presidential candidate race. How much money is just wasted on all of this nonsense before the final nonsense begins? Everyone already pretty much knows who they are going to vote for though I am down-to two candidates. I will say that primaries have changed which of the two I am down-to is on top; they have flip-flopped.

I visited our new public library (expansion) yesterday for the first time since it re-opened. I will say that the building is very impressive but I think they just have the same books from the old library (before the expansion) that was half the size of this much larger building. I suppose they will get more books eventually. There are a lot of computers where people can access the internet now. That is very nice for people who do not have access to the internet elsewhere for one reason or another. I checked-out five books but one was not in the system at the self-checkout. I went to the person at the desk and I was told that this book was not in the system so, "just take it and bring it back or not because it must not have been needed and they will just sell it at an up-coming sale." I told him that I will bring it back but I thought it would make their shelves fuller to add books like this back into the system when they come to light. I cannot even run my own life and I want to run the library now? But, if nobody ever checks these books out maybe they just get rid of them. However, I was checking it out so, apparently, at least one community member wants to read it. Maybe the book sales help them to buy newer. most popular books.

I started writing about a person that has been in the media (not political) A LOT lately. I will not mention this person's name because I don't want to add to the exposure of this nutcase. Today I saw that she/he freaked-out AGAIN and is apologizing for it. So there is exposure from the freak-out and then exposure from the freak-out apology? I have never found this person talented anyway so I hope that dim star burns-out very soon - for good.
He looks good in that robe

There is talk that President Obama may nominate Sri Srinivasan to replace Justice Antonin Scallia on The Supreme Court. Srinivasan sounds like a very good nominee. He was born in India and migrated to the USA with his family in the 1960's. He graduated from Stanford, lectured at Harvard. The Republican Party has announced that they will not vote on any person President Obama nominates. Additionally, Srinivasan clerked for former justice Sandra Day O'Connor (a Republican) and Ted Cruz, at his 2013 Senate confirmation, called Srinivasan an "old friend." But, politics are politics and I imagine they will not confirm him as the new justice because they will want to look foolish just for politics' sake. I cannot stand politics and this further reminds me why. Maybe the Senate will surprise me but I really doubt that.

Okay, I have to get started on editing the show. Thanks a lot for stopping by again today. I hope the snow misses you and I because I am rather enjoying this unusually mild winter. I hope you have a great rest of your day and your night. I will, most likely, blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out)! TA!

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