Saturday, January 2, 2016

Just Be Happy - My True 2016 Hope for You

 I have always liked to make others happy! 
Happy New Year to you and yours. I haven't blogged in awhile as the holiday season was quite hectic. Additionally, we are possibly going to have two refugees living with us for awhile soon and I have been preparing an extra room in the basement to help provide space to house them. Fortunately, I do not have to build a secret entrance behind a bookcase as I am not quite that handy. I know many people are currently against refugees (even though some of them consider themselves to be good Christian or kind-hearted people) but I don't know how anyone could turn people in need away if they are able to help. Do you suppose Jesus would turn people away? Anne Frank is, in my opinion, one of the most well-known and loved refugees of all time and most of us greatly appreciate her story. Sadly, she died in Bergen-Belsen (concentration camp), after a stay in Auschwitz, at the age of 15 in 1945. Prior to going into hiding her family had petitioned to come to the United States of America but the U.S. was not accepting people from Germany in fear that people with family still in Europe could be blackmailed into becoming spies for Germany. War and doing the right things are sure trick-bags aren't they? I know what is right and I use my kindness and appreciation toward most people as my moral compass.

There beginneth my new year soap box I suppose.

I have made a few resolutions for 2016. First and foremost, I will not shop at Walmart at all in 2016 (and beyond). For the most part we, in this household, prefer to be patrons of our local establishments to help our local economy rather than give our money to people who really don't need a new boat or airplane as much as they think they do. It is more work to shop at several different store rather than to get everything in one place but I can use the exercise. Cha Cha and I started a better way of life on December 29th; we are eating much better and walking a lot more. I think, since then, I have only eaten: fresh fruit and vegetables and grilled and baked chicken since then. I have made my goal of walking/running/crawling 10,000 steps or more for the past four days. In fact, after just looking at the numbers now, I see that I added more than 1000 steps each day. If I want to keep that streak I need to do 15,000 or more today - we'll see about that one.
A new load coming soon
Another thing that will be new AGAIN this year is that Dirty Laundry Podcast will relaunch our show. We got the word that our equipment situation is straightened out so we are a go for a new show coming before January is over. We are very excited to get to meet a bunch of new friends again. We learned so many things and met so many great people (including Emo Phillips) and played so much great independent music... I am really looking forward to that journey again. It was life-changing and enriching and I have missed that. The fact that we were listened-to all over the world still blows my mind. So, that is what happened? Hey, maybe our refugees from little Egypt will be on the show.

Another resolution is that I am going to put all of the research that I have gathered and accumulated over the past five or six months into words; I think I am ready to begin my novel. I don't know if it is too lofty of a goal to write at least one chapter a month in 2016 but that is my aim. I am pretty excited about the novel and I think I can just do some small research as I go to fill in the color for the book. I am stoked!

I hope you had a great holiday and I am glad you came back to read my ramblings again. I wish you a great 2016 and I hope all of your wildest dreams will come true. Thanks for hanging on and waiting for me to return but I imagine you were busy too. TTTT (yes, maybe even on a Sunday)...MITM (out) TA!

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