Monday, January 11, 2016

Mostly an Entertainment Blog Today

Maybe The Lost Sock will provide some new art for the relaunch (like the launch of MTV)?
It has been five days since I blogged; it seems so much longer but maybe that is because I have been pretty busy. The room downstairs is ready for inhabitants but our new house guests may be a few weeks longer than we thought they would be. That is fine as it will give us time to get our stuff moved into the new Kajunkles Studio so we can begin the Dirty Laundry Podcast again (that red link will take you to the DLP Facebook page. We will, most likely record this Sunday and the new show will be ready for your aural pleasure (or mockery or whatever) by a week from today. Cha Cha and I, The Agitator, are very excited to begin again with the better equipment. I think it will make it much easier to hear all of the people on the show all of the time. I just re-opened out Podomatic account and maybe, in the meantime, I will upload one or two of our old shows to whet your aural appetite. If I do this, please remember that we should sound better when the new shows start as we will will be mic'd separately. The definitive word is "should." I will let you know, if and when, I launch one of our "worst-of" shows! The new studio is smaller than the old studio so I believe that will help the sound as well.

I was going to write about two movies that Cha Cha and I saw over the weekend but then it would not be as interesting when you listen to us while driving to work or while you shovel snow in a week or so because you will already know what we thought of these movies. I also watched two Red Box movies I was going to write about. I forgot that I had this conflict when we were doing the show.
R.I.P.  Major Tom!
I was sad to hear that David Bowie died. He was a pretty talented fellow. It is odd for me to think that he was only 16 years old when I was born. It seems like he must have had an expiration date as he died only three days after his birthday. Bowie was very big in the launch of MTV back in the 1980's. I can still see that music video with him and Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street. I also agree that "all we need is music, sweet music (there'll be) music everywhere" sometimes. There were probably no bigger musical stars back when this video came out. He seemed like a very nice chap for as big of a world-wide star as he was. I know he has been battling cancer for quite some time and this is probably best for him and his loved-ones.

I am definitely working the Brian Regan comedy show this weekend. I wonder if he'd want to be on the podcast? I don't think I will ask him since we haven't even gotten our pod-legs back yet. Timing is everything and tiiiime is not on my side, no it's not (in this instance).

I have a hankering to get back into writing for newspapers and magazines again. I really enjoyed investigating for stories. I suppose one of the reasons I write this blog is just because I like to write even if much of what I write here is nonsense. I also know that Egon Spengler would disagree with me but I do not believe that print will ever be entirely dead. I think we will always have print in one form or another. I have to find the book of all of my old clippings to present to potential employers. I am also still working on my forthcoming novel but I suspect that will be going-on for a couple of years before I am ready to present that to publishers. I think self-publishing is much easier these days too.

I have not had any "episodes" in well over a month. I hope I am completely cured but I will not jump the gun and fall back (no pun since I usually fell forward) to deteriorating my health again. It was probably 100% not sleeping like people are designed to sleep (at night when it is dark) all along. No MATTer what I have to find a job where I am not working all night long (all night - I have MTV running through my head now).

Okay, that's all I have on my mind today other than the movies I was going to write about and will wait until the podcast to discuss those. Maybe in a week or so I will write a review of the new Dirty Laundry Podcast - I imagine I will really like it. Okay, I'm out - TA!

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