Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Just the Usual This & That

I usually fill the bird feeder and sprinkle kernel corn out each night so it is there when the birds and the squirrel are up bright-and-early. I open the window and fill the feeder and spread the corn. Last night, when I went to do my duty, I found the window was frozen shut. I had to go outside and fill the feeder and spread the corn. I really home the birds and Mother Nature appreciate me sacrificing my safety and well-being for them and make sure I win the Powerball. I do believe in karma but I know that is not how it works. I believe karma is something we keep inside of us and it is the warm feelings we get by doing nice and correct things. There is no pay-back other than within one's self. That being said, I hope I am wrong and I win the Powerball jackpot tonight so I can spread a little karma! I finally located where the squirrel lives last week too. I was burning some things from when I got that room in the basement ready and I saw him/her scamper from his/her home when I walked near. Knowing this, I helped to secure the privacy a bit more for the lady/fellow from the wind and snow and other critters. He/she still comes up daily (two or three times) to drive Jeff crazy and eat. If I already wrote last week I apologize for my redundancy as well as my redundancy. After writing that I walked back outside and filled the feeder again. In nicer weather I only fill it once but, since food-supplies are reduced for the wildlife this time of year I feed them two or three times.
I don't even have the words

The State of the Union Address was last night. I thought it was so disrespectful of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to sit stone-faced on his hands. I know he feels he cannot respect the President because of some archaic party lines but show some respect to the Office of the President of the United States. I would not be surprised that he was even told to sit on his hands and look like a mope. I think this party system is so ancient and it needs to go. I may vote for Bernie Sanders simply because he thinks for himself and isn't told what to say or how to behave by puppet masters of a party. I am still on the fence for my vote but this makes me lean one way over the other for certain.This is not an attack on one party over another as I am certain this behavior swings both ways. The speech was very hopeful and positive but maybe that is what the one side is afraid of - that we will not continue to be afraid while they empty our bank accounts and benefits packages. I don't see this being the party that Abraham Lincoln pictured so many years ago. I know some people don't like me talking politics and, quite frankly, I just go by what I feel is correct and what is wrong. I believe WE THE PEOPLE means ALL of the people - not only the ones with the biggest bank accounts. Promote the general welfare.

The area for Kajunkles Studio is vacated and we now have room to set-up the new studio. We are still on-track to record a new show this weekend. I am pretty excited as we really enjoyed doing the show and we have lots to talk about. When the studio is set-up that will leave more room in the back of the basement, where the studio furnishings are being stored right now, to get the work-out area set-up again. I only lost two pounds this past week as I have not moved as much as the previous week with the new bedroom being done. I will be able to move again and grow more muscle to burn more fat. It is going to be a really good year with the podcast and being healthier and being billionaires and all. Yesterday I went to Target and walked the entire store while filling a cart to purchase. I went down just about every aisle just to walk a bit more.
Splenda comes home for a visit tomorrow; I get to pick her up at the Aurora train station. She is always a delight to have home. Home for after the holidays though Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday is Monday and that is a holiday so, I guess she will be home for the holiday again. Northern Illinois University begins classes on Tuesday too so this city will be crazy-busy again very soon. The students have been gone for over a month. I like having the students here but I also like not having them here. I think one thing makes you like the other as it does in many instances. It is one of the many yin - yang things of our lives.

Okay, that's enough for today. As always, I have lots to get done so I will end. Stay bundled and warm today. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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