Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Twelve Hours In The Making (and probably still sucks)

Fabio and I went to see Iron Man 3 yesterday. I really liked Iron Man. I liked Iron Man 2 quite a bit less. And now I am not sure if I like Iron Man 3 less than both of the first one or just the first one. I also don't know why I have to out them in order. All of these stupid lists that the media has been doing for years are making me think I have to priorities everything in my life into a list. Maybe it's not the media maybe it's just human nature to prioritize and need to have a best and worst and everything in between has to fall into order? Let me just say Iron Man was really good and the other ones were not as good. The new one seems way too long. Maybe Iron Man 2 is better than Iron Man 3 - too bad they cannot just tie in second.

I saw a report about fortune cookies today. The report was about who, exactly, writes the messages inside the fortune cookies. I say Hallmark but I don't really care. Whoever writes them doesn't know anything about fortunes because they never come true even though most of the time they are just philosophical statements rather than fortunes. I can guarantee Dionne Warwick or Mistress Cleo don't write these "fortunes." This report has to come from some aspiring investigative reporter who watched Iron Man 3. There is a big scene in the film that talks about how fortune cookies are not even Chinese and never were. It does seem like the ancient Chinese were a bit deeper than this. Also, when I think Chinese food I don't think about sweets - ever. I think rice and vegetables and the occasional protein like meat or poultry or fish thrown-in.  Actually, I do like almond cookies; are they Chinese or did we just invent them too and try to pass them off on being Chinese? How about soy sauce is that ours too?
While in the car a few minutes ago (you didn't even know I was gone did you?) I heard that Dennis Rodman is in touch with good friend Kim Jong Un to try to get Korean-American Kenneth Bae freed from 15 years of hard labor for unspecified "hostile acts." Rodman wrote on Twitter (because that is how I would contact a really close friend about such an important issue) "I am calling of the Supreme Leader of North Korea or as I call him 'Kim,' to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose." I am sure this will work. I am ashamed of our State Department for not thinking of this sooner. It sounds like Bae's crime was probably travelling to North Korea from China to feed orphans as he often did. The movie aficionado and spy novel reader in me says this guy was really a spy that travels this way as a cover for his covert spy missions. Sounds like a Tom Clancy thing to me. Until you get to Rodman then it becomes an episode of The Simpsons. Appearing in the role of Krusty the Clown this week is...

My favorite part of my week is the days I am off (duh) in the very early morning while the rest of the world is asleep. When I say "world" I mean the part right by me because I do get the whole "it's different times in different parts of the world" deal and when it's early here it is late someplace else... I really look forward to this summer when we're up at the lake and The Lost Sock and I are sitting on the pier solving the world's problems as the occasionally fishing boat slowly motors by in the mist and the dude gives us a quick wave. The simple things is life are some of my favorites

Shouldn't the elevator in The Big Bang Theory be fixed by now? Like Sheldon wouldn't have thrown the American Disabilities Act (or whatever it is called) at the management/ownership of their building by now. Continuity error number 1,231.

I took a break from writing this to: finish editing and uploading Dirty Laundry Podcast, work on the other laundry, mow the lawn, have lunch with my best girl, work on the laundry more and now finish writing this (provided that I finish all in one sitting). The hardest thing in all of that was editing the podcast. I was having a lot of problems but it all came down to rebooting everything and then "whammy" everything worked. Why does simply turning off and then turning back on have such a big impact on what is arguably the most influential invention of all time? I said arguably!

I have been writing this blog off-and-on for the past twelve hours so I think I am done. Thanks a lot for stopping in and for listening to the podcast. I have a lot on my plate tomorrow but I will try to blog. Have a great night  and go Bulls and thank goodness the Cardinals won today. TTTT...MITM (out of energy and time) TA!

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