Monday, May 6, 2013

Hickory Dickory Dock Today's Blog Can...

I am so happy that the Tim Tebow craziness may be at an end. He did make for some funny moments on Saturday Night Live and many other comedy shows but I grew sick of it quickly. He will land somewhere because Forbes magazine calls him one of the most influential athletes of 2013. He was released in April by the New Jersey York Jets where he had thrown only eight passes while there. Now there is a petition that fans of the Jacksonville Jaguars have sent to President Obama to get Tim on their team. I am not really sure that will move ahead of the gun control agenda or the problems in Syria with The President but it has gained some attention by this blog at least. My thought is that he will end up in Canada playing for the Montreal Alouettes. That's what seems to happen to NFL's flash-in-the pan quarterbacks or quarterbacks that wanted to play past their primes like: Doug Flutie, Warren Moon, Joe Theismann, John Hufnagel, Jim Zorn, Erik Kramer, Vince Farragamo... I can name at least 20 more (no exaggeration) but I won't because most of them you have never heard of and it would be perceived as blogibustering. Tebow will probably play somewhere many of us have not heard about and then, when someone in the NFL gets injured, he will be back for a partial one-year contract then go back North when the season ends. Makes sense he would go to a team named for a bird that is the subject of the most annoying song I have ever heard in French - Fre're Jacques that sings about plucking the feathers of a bird for waking someone up with it's singing. In all fairness I have not heard very many songs in French.

Maybe part of the problem with Tebow was that he played in New York. This is one tough city on their sports teams. The Brooklyn Nets, their first year out of New Jersey, make it to the NBA play-offs and take the Chicago Bulls to the last game of the opening round and lost and the next day they fire their coach. Granted he was just hired as an interim coach but made the play-offs in the first year and gone? What about a reach-around one-year contract to see how he does? Is the a Canadian Basketball League he can go to? I think they only have their national basketball team so too bad for P.J. Carlesimo. Maybe he and Tebow can start their own sports show on ESPN that will play at 2AM?

Today is my Friday and we have already recorded 90% of Dirty Laundry Podcast. We have to do the beginning and the end and then I have to edit it but it should be up on Wednesday like usual. This one may have an "explicit" tag because of swearing because if we don't do that there will be a lot of beeps. It's tough to limit the swearing when Andrew Dice Clay is your guest. Okay...Andrew Dice Clay is not our guest but I think that would be tough. I really have a New York theme in today's blog don't I?

Weird...The entire time I have been blogging I have been watching the DVR'd Curb Your Enthusiasms from this week. Even though the show is based in California could you get more New York than Larry David? I was watching the show when I began the blog so maybe I have been subliminally Enthusi-ized. I love this show! I work with a guy that is pretty much exactly like Larry David in this show. It is entertaining from time-to-time in real life but it is A LOT more fun to watch it on television. Is it possible to be "pretty much exactly?" I don't think so. It's either pretty much or exactly but cannot be both.

I have to start figuring-out dinner. I believe it may involve getting dressed and going to the market. I decided to use the word "market" instead of "store" because it seems to be more in the theme of the New York blog. I will probably have to get a loaf of French bread to complete the whole New York and Canada theme. I always request paper bags if I don't take my own so it won't look weird. A loaf of French bread wouldn't look as cool sticking out of a planet-killing plastic bag. Have a great aftenoon and Monnight. Thanks a lot for being here so I feel like being a loafer (sitting and writing) doesn't seem like I am loafing (even Frence loafing). I will blog tomorrow though I am thinking about sneaking away to do some Mother's Day shopping and maybe accidentally seeing Iron Man 3 though I would feel guilty doing that without Fabio I think. Maybe I will shop later in the day then. For ending the blog I sure do blog-on don't I? TTTT..MITM (out) FAGETABOUTIT! TA!

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