Thursday, October 11, 2012

Without Outer Space There Would be no MITM

I got about four hours of sleep and woke-up awhile ago and somehow the problem with the uploading of Dirty Laundry Podcast came to me during those four hours and it is processing. I just stopped and checked and it's up and I am listening to it right now on this laptop while typing. Thank you astronauts for bringing us back this technology along with Tang. I am going to use this information every time I feel like taking a nap. "I have to cure (enter any uncured disease here) so I'd better take a nap."

Right now is like my Sunday night which means tonight is my Monday morning. I will get to take a nap during the day but I want to work on getting the garage winterized and I have a room to paint upstairs. The room can wait because that can be done in the house during the winter. Every time I paint I think of a movie I saw when I was a really young lad in the rolling hills of the MIDDLEwest. I have no idea what the show was but it made a lasting impression on me some 40+ years later. It was on television so it could have been a tv show but in the movie a lady was painting and she didn't clean up her supplies well enough and her house burnt down and somebody died in the fire and I think she became blind. I know paints and solvents have changed over the past 40 years but I still am very careful not to leave paint and chemicals lying around. Take that people who have believed that "television is a vast wasteland." I remember Newton Minow said that too and that is all I know about Newton Minow. I think he was the head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) back in the day.

I am going to go upstairs and give Fabio alarm #1 (the gentle "time to get up, buddy") so he can hit the snooze (ignore me but pretend like he is going to get up). I am back and I made his lunch (I still wish he'd buy the hot lunch) and started another load of real laundry (not that Dirty Laundry Podcast isn't real laundry - actually it's "realer" laundry). It's about twenty minutes later and I just called Fabio in sick. I told you I have been feeling sick for the past two or three weeks and it looks like I passed it on. If it were school and people weren't depending on me at work I would have called-off sick too a few times. I work with different people every day and I will continue to get sick and that is what it is. I hope all of those things that we are told about you need to be around germs to build-up your immunities. I will be immune to every known disease to MATT-kind withing two years I suspect.
It's not too late Cubs fans - snap out of it!

The Cardinals play again this afternoon. It is so nice seeing your favorite team doing so well - duh! I don't get to see them on television too often during the season since we are in Cubs country so I really like the post-season when I get to see their games. Tonight is also the Vice Presidential Debate. Both of the participants are loose canons so this one could be a lot more fun than the Presidential Debate. I am surprised that the V. P. Debate is on all of the network stations too. I think this is stupid but I imagine all of the other thousands of networks (ESPN, TBS, SCI-FI, A&E, HIST, BBCA, LOGO, bio, TNT..............) are really happy.

I am going to get working on the garage so I can get some sleep and watch the ballgame. Thanks a lot for stopping in and for listening to the podcast. Have a great day; your weekend is almost here just as mine is ending. I will probably blog again tomorrow because that's what I do. TTTT (86.4%)...MITM (off and out) TA!

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