Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blogging Pundit? Nah!

The Presidential debate last night was boring. It seems to me that if there has to be a winner Mitt Romney won this one but neither one of them changed my mind for my vote. We are such a funny culture that we think somebody has to win everything. It couldn't just be a way to find out what the candidates stand for. I am still voting the way that I had planned to vote. There are very few undecided voters so thanks for making me miss Modern Family. The main things that I took away from the debate are that: moderator Jim Lehrer cannot control the debates, Mitt Romney is a spoiled rich person who feels he doesn't have to follow rules, Barack Obama doesn't feel he needs to take chances at this point and I think the word "pundit" is a stupid word. Pundit comes from the Sanskrit word pandita' meaning "learned." It has come to mean anybody who comments on anything so it pretty much is any of us. I am now a pundit on the word pundit.

Tomorrow is World Smile Day...I bet it will rain. That would be great because I love rain and rain makes me smile. What do you get someone for World Smile Day? A smile I guess!

Jesse Jackson Jr., a United States Representative from Illinois, is suffering from bi-polar disorder and gastro-intestinal issues and has not been seen in public since being released from The Mayo Clinic in early September. He is still on the ballot for reelection and does not plan to make any other appearances until "after he is reelected." This will be interesting to see if a politician can be reelected without campaigning. If he is reelected maybe Presidential debates are even dumber than I already think they are.

Why is Thursday the day that most towns have their farmers' markets?
Great gas mileage

It's back to work day (tonight). This morning I think I am going to start preparing the garage for winter. There is always something to do isn't there? In the next week or two I am going to have to go to southern Illinois to help Splenda buy a new car. We got the check yesterday from her totaled car and now she is very anxious to get a car. She is looking at Mini Coopers and VW Beetles and I am looking at things like Jeep Liberty's and more practical vehicles. How is she supposed to get her bicycle home when school is out with a Beetle or a Cooper? Not to mention all of the clothes... she has at school? I know the answer and I think the answer is "dad." I remember when I bought cars at that age and I didn't think practically either.

Time to wake the house so I have to let you get to your daily fun too. Thanks a lot for stopping in; I always appreciate you. Have a great Thursday and enjoy the last nice day for awhile in the MIDDLEwest; it's supposed start changing into chillier weather on the morrow. TTTT...MITM (already tired and the day just started) TA!

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