Friday, October 26, 2012

Interested in a Blog Franchise?

There are a few things I would rather be doing than bogging but since I cannot seem to do them I will blog. The things that come to mind are: sleeping, breathing through my nose, not suffering from a sore throat... I took a couple of NyQuil tablets at about 7:00AM and then went to bed and slept all the way until 11:00AM (four whole hours). I will be right back, my teapot is whistling at me. Sorry, it took so long; I emptied the dishwasher and filled it back up while I was getting a simple cup of tea. No wonder everything is so expensive at Starbuck's. I am also in the process of making some kind of chicken parmesan or chicken mozzarella for dinner. Last night at work two people called in sick. I felt that I may be responsible for getting them sick because I was working while I was sick. I also felt that since they called in sick the rest of us had to work harder to cover their duties. I am not the only one who has been working sick. I am torn on these issues. Do I work sick or do I take the chance of getting others sick? Everybody has their opinion and I think I have a responsibility to my employer, the people I serve and the job itself to be at work. I see other people's points of view but this is mine right or wrong. The argument "use them of lose them" doesn't work here either because our sick days carry over. I plan on taking all of my sick days at one time right after I am dead so my family can pay for the trip to sprinkle me in the ocean. If you wish to hear me sick listen to this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast.

I am so happy that it is almost election day. Not that I love to vote though I do love that "I Voted" sticker I get but, I am just tired of all the rhetoric about this candidate and this issue and blah and blah. I am even happier that I do not live in a battle ground state. I heard on the radio this morning all of the attack advertisements about how which candidate is terrible and what they do wrong that they are playing in these states... It must be much more effective to say how crappy your opponent is rather than saying how good you are and what you stand for. One thing that all of the political parties seem to agree upon is that attack ads are the way to go. If I weren't so lazy I would move to Canada. But if I weren't so lazy I probably wouldn't be an American anyway.
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This blog must be boring because it is making me tried just to write it. I doubt that only four hours of sleep and having a cold has nothing to do with that.

Have you seen any of those Peyton Manning Papa John's commercials? The same day that Papa John's renewed their contract to be "the official pizza of the NFL and the Super Bowl" the Denver Broncos' quarterback bought 21 Papa John's franchises in the Denver area. This coming Sunday, while he is playing in a game against the New Orleans Saints, he will star in a new commercial for Papa John's telling us how we can become franchisees too. Step one, become one of the best NFL quarterbacks in history so you have lots and lots of money. Step two, make some Papa John's commercials so you get a better deal. Step three, buy 21 franchises. It's not so hard. How about a chicken parmesan franchise? We have tea! Maybe I should franchise the blog or the podcast though I guess you could just start your own and cut me out. Let me know if you do; I will read and/or listen.

I have more to say but I have to get some sleep. I think I need to finish up dinner first so when the rest of the gang gets here they can just warm it up in shifts while I am sawing logs (hopefully). I need my sleep because I think we're probably going to be busy on the weekend before Halloween in a college town. I wish I had a Papa John's franchise this weekend. Can you just franchise places for certain days? That I may consider. Thank you for stopping in. I hope you have a great weekend unless this is your Tuesday too then I hope you have a great 2/5ths of your week. TTT (maybe T)...MITM  (to sleep eventually) TA!

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