Monday, August 1, 2016

Who Am I Really?

This took much longer than I had anticipated
It is 13:50 and I am finally done with my major projects. I mowed the lawn first thing this morning and then I went and bought a new garbage disposal. Unfortunately, I could not find the same make and model of the one that took a poop so it took a lot longer than I had hoped to install this new one. My hands are still white with plumbers putty as I look down to see them typing. The new disposal does not appear to leak and it makes a good chopping noise so I will call this a success.

Just before I started writing this blog I saw that I received an email about winning another drawing. I am pretty sure I wrote about winning and receiving an autographed Major League Baseball from Peter Bourjos and then an autographed team photo of the starting line-up (including manager Red Schoendienst)  of the 1967 World Champion St. Louis Cardinals. Well, now I have an autographed Major League ball from Cardinals 'pitcher Carlos Martinez. I guess that baby Cardinal getting lose in our house this past week must be an omen (or a coincidence). Martinez is only 24 years old and a pretty good pitcher so, who knows, maybe he'll make the Hall of Fame in 40 years or so when I am dead and my kids can buy a pack of baseball cards with that ball?

I spoke with my dad this morning and he has to have surgery on August 22nd. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for that day but I will cancel that to be with him. Mine was just a routine check-up so the doctor could buy a new putter or driver or something. Since my dad will be in the hospital over night that night I will stay with my mom at their house. She cannot be left alone for several reasons so I will, once again, be sleeping in my childhood bedroom in a few weeks. I am going over tomorrow to mow their lawn and take them to the stores to get whatever they need to get (I guarantee cat food and Coca Cola will be in the cart. I should start my own landscaping company with all of my recent experience (though I have had LOTS of practice in my life). Cha Cha was supposed to have surgery today but they had to cancel for a non-disclosed reason.

Tonight Cha Cha and I will take our weekly trek to Punxsutawney Woodstock to The Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple for our weekly meditation. We really enjoy going there though we did prefer going on Saturdays. I am not sure if we are Buddhists just because we attend meditation lead my Buddhist monks but I am okay with being a Buddhist or just a meditater (or would that me meditator?). I have always felt that I was much more of a spiritual person than a religious person so this has made a lot of sense to me. I do not have anything against anything that does whatever makes them a better person as long as it does not infringe on someone else doing whatever they feel makes them a better person. I guess I am kind of a hippie and I am cool with that too. You can label me whatever you want to label with me. Things I know that I am are: kind, compassionate, friendly, moody, silly, redundant, humorous at times, mean at times, average-looking, MIDDLE-aged, musical, caring, redundant, blessed to have found my soul mate and have great children and friends, sentimental, grudge-holding sometimes and forgiving other times, loyal, television lover, nine-toed, dependable, a number 13 lover, music lover, nosy, redundant, faithful, movie lover, judgmental at times, a St. Louis Cardinals' fan, optimistic, generally positive... It is odd to put yourself into trying to pigeonhole who you are (at least it is for me). We are all so many things that we don't really think about too often.

I am really tired today. It is 14:33 now and I may take a nap before Cha Cha gets home. I told Fabio that I would pick him up from work at 15:00 so, I may lie down for an hour for two after that. Plumbing is a tough job. I didn't even have plumber's crack while I did the work - I cannot do anything right.

I am going to wrap-up for now. I will try to blog tomorrow. It will probably be in the morning because I told my dad I would come over in the late morning or early afternoon. I may start in the morning and finish in the afternoon. It is nice that blogs, at least in the case of this one, have no deadlines. Our entire lives are based on schedules and deadlines and rules so I love love that this blog has none of those for me.

Have a great rest of you day and your night and look for a block SOME TIME on the morrow. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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