Monday, August 15, 2016


I am going to squeeze a quick blog in here today. 

I realized today that I really am George Bailey incarnate. I don't resent being him as George Bailey was a great man who knew the right things to do and he did them. I know I have written here before that I have felt like George but now I know that I AM George. Maybe the blog is Clarence Oddbody and I take it/him for granted sometimes. Thanks for believing in Clarence and letting him help me when warranted.Just so you are not too concerned - I am nowhere near thinking about jumping off a bridge.

Last night Fabio and I went to see Sausage Party at the theater. He wanted to see it and none of his friends wanted to so I went with him. When I went to the ticket booth to get the tickets I said I wanted two tickets for Sausage Fest. He cracked-up. Yes, I knew what I was saying and, I will admit, it was premeditated. I think it is always nice to put a smile on someone's face if one is able. The movie was raunchy but I laughed many, many times. The language was extremely raunchy and some of the actions, even though cartoons, were very lewd and crude. There were more curse words (many the worse ones you may have ever heard) that ordinary words. I recommend the movie if you are not easily offended but be prepared as they do their best to offend the un-offendable. 
Meditation has helped me in so many ways - love me some Buddhism

I spend the morning and part of the afternoon with my parents. I mowed their lawn and then ran them to Farm and Fleet and to Meijer. I am really looking forward to meditation tonight as I think I really need it today. I meditated a bit on the way home but it is not the same while driving; it still helps a bit but not to the extent that I need it today. I think Cha Cha and I will have sushi for dinner too as I found that there is a sushi restaurant in Woodstock. Sushi followed by time in a Buddhist Temple seems pretty Richard Gere or something doesn't it? I will try to remember to take a photo of the little girl in Sri Lanka that Cha Cha and I are helping. If you are not aware of what I am talking about I think it was probably last Tuesday's blog when I wrote about that (just guessing on the day of the blog). 

While I was at my parents' house I made the mistake of mentioning politics. BRAKES SLAMMED ON - I remember that I said I would try very hard not to discuss politics here anymore so I will stop right there, before I go any further... That reminds me that the song "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" appeared in the movie last night. It was very funny.
I think I am going to end now so I can go take a shower. I will probably be able to blog a bit more tomorrow as I won't have so much running-around to do. I do have to mow our lawn but, with my luck, it will rain. Wait, maybe that would be fortuitous because then I would have an excuse not to do it. It isn't really all that long but I feel like I need to mow and get beat-up by the trees in our yard at least once a week, 

Have a great night and I hop things get better in Milwaukee and other areas of the country that are going through similar problems. I saw the Milwaukee Sheriff on television this morning and I was very impressed with the way he is handling himself, his officers and the situation that has dropped itself into his lap. Why do I start new topics after I have already said I was going to wrap-up? Okay, that is it - REALLY!!!!! TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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