Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Meet Pramuda (a New World-Wide Sensation)!

Pramuda of Sri Lanka
It is 09:31 and I am taking a break from riding the stationary bike so I thought I would begin the blog before I did another 15 miles. I have not weighed-in for over a month (July 12th) and, according to our scale here at the house, I have gained one pound in the past month. Actually, I am surprised that it is so low of a gain because I have not been keeping-up with my program as diligently as I should have been. With the 30 miles on the bike before I weigh-in I figure I will show a small weigh-loss sine July 12th. I would have, had I been following the program I was following, lost another ten pounds or so. It has been more important to take care of my parents though. Next Monday my dad has surgery for his back and I am staying over night at their house on Monday and, depending on what time his surgery is (he is waiting for the call to let him know that time) I may stay over Sunday night too. My mom cannot be left alone for her, and probably others', safety so I will endure my severe feline allergy and take a bullet for the team.

Yesterday I mentioned that I would try to take a photo of the little girl in Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) that Cha Cha and I donated to sponsor for her school backpack and school supplies. We learned. last night, that her name is Pramuda. I am weird so I checked to see what the name Pramuda means. I have always been a great admirer of Native Americans and how their names mean something about their natures and make-up like: Wind In His Hair or Crazy Horse or Sitting Bull or Stands With A Fist or Dances With Wolves... Matthew, supposedly, means "gift of God." Depending upon who you are speaking to there are many gods so which one am I a gift of? Lucifer is the god of light according to the King James version of the Hebrew word. Pramuda means "quick-minded" and "having freedom of expression to mix easily with people." It also means "because your feelings and desires are so changeable you are never satisfied with the way conditions as they are." I hope our small help will allow her to reach her full potential and realize all of her desires and feelings in her life. We should all do something nice to/for other living things and animals and people if we are able to do so. There is enough evil in the world.

I am going to head back down to the dungeon and do my next 15 miles. It is 10:10 now and I weigh-in at high noon. Let's hope that the "high" part has to do with the feeling of elation I will receive when my weight is LOWer and not because my weight is HIGHer. Think light thoughts though, by the time you read this, I will have already weighed-in and you can just see in a paragraph or so what the final verdict is/was. Okay - TTFAFHWWSLN (ta ta for a few hours which will seem like nanoseconds).
It is now 15:41; so much has happened since 10:10. I rode the stationary bike 25 miles (total) though I was aiming for 30 miles. I just ran out of time before I had to go weigh-in. I wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt hoodie while spinning (I hate that term for some reason) so I think that made-up for the five less miles. I had not weighed in for a while so I was a bit nervous. I ended-up losing 0,8 pounds which put me over the 65 pounds lost mark. I was averaging 2,2 pounds lost per week so 0.8 over four weeks was not what I had hoped but I was satisfied with that considering all that has happened over the past month.

While I spun (like a record, baby, right round, round round) I was watching The Big Lebowski (I own the DVD). I really like that movie - Turturro, Goodman, Buscemi, Moore (Julianne), Bridges (Jeff), Hoffman (Phil), Sam Elliot... what a great cast.

I hard-baked 18 eggs and peeled them so they would be ready for this week's salads (all things that I shopped for after weighing-in). I have all the fixin's for the salad but I will make that a bit later. I usually make a huge salad and put it in the fridge to last for four days or so. I don't think I will ever get tried of salads - THANKFULLY!

I went over and got the oil changed on the Fiat and filled-up the fuel tank so Cha Cha is ready for the rest of her week.

I took the bandage off of my nearly severed thumb and it does not look great but it is still in one piece. I put honey n it as the Native Americans did. What is better than nature's glue? I was going to cover it with leaves but I went with a band-aid again so I would not look like a total freak. I just do not want to get honey all over things and I like the cushion of a band-aid. When I took the original one off the thumb smelled really bad - like dying flesh. I wish it were not right on the joint so I could stitch it up. It is a bit swollen too but that is to be expected. I will probably change the bandage in the morning before I head to my day gig.

I am going to end now. I will probably not write again until Sunday though I cannot promise that I will not throw one or two in there before Sunday. I heard some very interesting political stuff but I have vowed not to get political here - for now at least. I presume if you want to hear this sort of thing you will easily be able to find it right about now. Okay, I am really done. TTTSUnday (or before). MITM (out) TA!

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