Thursday, August 18, 2016

It's Just a Black and Whiten Kinda Day!

I am doing a blog today because I am not sure when I will have the gumption again between now and a week from Sunday. I may be able to blog again on Monday when my dad is in surgery though I am dreading how that wait will go. I am not sure how to keep my mom occupied during the surgery. Word search and crossword puzzles will only work for so long. 

The reason for the uncertainty of blogging is I just got "staffed-up" to work twelve hours on Sunday after I finish working my regular four days. It will be nice to get twelve hours at time-and-a-half right before the second installment of the property taxes are due and before we head to Las Vegas but my dogs are barking today and by the end of Sunday they will be howling. I know I wrote how I am like George Bailey but I keep waiting for Uncle Billy and Clarence Odbody to get their hind feathers and wings into gear.

I heard a story today about some of the U.S. Olympic swimmers faking being mugged and robbed in Rio. My theory is that they are a bunch of young kids who blew their money on crazy twitterpated types of things that young men might get mixed-up in while away in Brazil and they wanted mommy and daddy to send them more money so they could continue their sewing of oats. I base that on nothing more than having been a young man once upon a time before the MIDDLE years caught-up with me. I have not watched one second of the Olympics and I still plan to keep my gold medal contention for non-Olympic watching alive!

I bet you know that I am watching The Andy Griffith Show. SPOILER ALERT COMING - Gomer and Thelma Lou almost had to get married but Thel and Barney are back together. You remember the episode "Barney And Thelma Lou Phfftt" from May 4th, 1964. You know - episode number 125. I watch about ten episodes a week even though I have seen every episode about ten times each. 

I cannot believe it is already 17:42. I am thinking about going to bed but they I will be awake way too early. I guess I will wait until about 20:30 before thinking about going to bed. My back hurts, my feet stunk and I don't love (I had better stop there before I offend some). 

Less than a month before we will be in Lost Wages! I have been to Vegas many times but Cha Cha has not been there. She is so excited to go to the John Fogherty concert. I am excited too but nowhere near as excited as she is. I wish I could arrange for her to meet him but I am unsure how to make that happen. Maybe if I tell him that is my birthday (the day we see him in concert) that would make a difference? It was cool when we were kids and special things really could happen for us on our anniversary of birth. I like to make her happy because she makes me happy just about every day of my life. 

Okay, I am gonna stop now. I am not sure when I will blog again but, who knows, maybe I will blog in the next day or two, Are you on the edge of your seat? Me neither. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your day. The next episode and Gomer is singing "From The Halls of Montezuma" (Marines' Hymn) - boy, I wonder what's going to happen in this episode. LOL. Okay, that's it. Thanks again. TTT????...MITM (out) TA! I went all classy with only black-and-white photos today. FANCY!!!

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