Monday, August 29, 2016

A Good Day So Far!

Dr. Kevin Donka knows what he's talking about Willis!
I have some time on my hands in another hospital surgical waiting room and, fortunately, I brought my computer so I will write a quick blog. I could watch a movie or something but, as my good friend Kevin Donka says, "writing can be therapeutic." He is a chiropractor so I will take the doctor's advise and perform my own therapy here right now. I may stop abruptly if they come to tell me that she is ready to receive an audience by me.

I spoke to the surgeon who just performed the surgery on Jill and he said everything went very well. How come when doctor's do something they "perform?" Maybe that is why they are in "practice?" I was not too concerned with this surgery because it was not as major as the last one she had. I was really nervous about that one and she and I both blubbered by a couple of babies when we finally saw each other after she came out of that operation.

I had a salad down in the cafeteria. I am happy that hospitals have good salad bars. I would be very weary if they only had a bunch of fried foods trying to drum-up (that was not a drumstick reference) their own business. So, I had a salad and a very large iced tea.

I am pretty tired right now because of the extra 12-hour required shift yesterday. It is easier getting through those days when I think of the extra twelve hours of pay and time-and-a-half. I expect we will have "staff-up" called again next week and I will work another twelve next Sunday.
I think we should ride in a gondola while we're there, right?

It is only 16 days until Cha Cha and I get to see John Fogerty. She is so very excited. I am excited too but she is pretty much consumed with the concert. She has a count-down chalkboard in our kitchen that reads. "Fogerty Concert in 16 Days." Tomorrow, as you might imagine, it will read "Fogerty Concert in 15 Days." I could go-on but I think you probably get where that trend is headed. I am excited too but I think a lot of my excitement comes from her being so excited. I love when people I like and love are happy.

Splenda and Andy are moving out of our house and to Chicago in about a week. It has been very nice having them with us for a few months. It is odd that I am happy that they are moving on up to the east side (east of us anyway) but sad that they are leaving. Andy will be much closer to his work in Evanston and Splenda is beginning using her college degree more as she has hoped to rather than the job she has been working using it only occasionally. I am sure she would be happy to do some freelance (why is freelance called that when you pay somebody to do that work?) graphic design work for you. She is VERY talented in most things computer-related.

I finished watching the end of The Night Of this morning - that is to say the final episode. I was very happy with the ending and I was delighted that John Turturro played a huge role in the end of the "limited series." I will miss the show but there will be many. many others.

I still have not watched one second of The Olympics and I will not watch any. I think these games are a joke. They have never made the world get along better so what is the use? I have boycotted them since the 1936 Berlin Olympics (Games of the XI Olympiad) because of that a-hole Aldolph Hitler. Ha, I never realized until I wrote that that Aldolph and A-hole are almost the same word. Sorry, I guess that is offensive to a-holes to be compared to that A-HOLE! I am glad that Jesse Owens shoved it up his swastika butt that year.

Ha, I am listening to the Jogh Fogerty station on Pandora while I write this (see how Cha Cha brain-washes me?) and "Stuck in the Middle with You" by Stealers Wheel just came on. I used to put the link of that song/video at the beginning of the blog. Good times, good times. Here is that link if you are nostalgic like I am.

I am going to stop now because they will be calling me any minute now to go see Cha Cha. Thanks a lot for the therapy session. I may be able to write again tomorrow but I believe, depending on how Jill is doing, I have to drive my dad to a follow-up doctor's appointment tomorrow. Oh man, "Centerfield" is playing now - I love that song and I loved the video in the MTV days even more. Thanks a lot for the session - I will blog tomorrow - probably. TTTT?...MITM (out) TA!

(I did not proofread this and I always regret that and change things later but that will probably never change) TA!

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